Chapter 18

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After hours of my doctors arguing and bickering at each other they finally agreed I can see Katniss. With a couple of agreements. One, I have to have have 3 restraints on each arm. Two, I have to have a tube in my arm so if I 'lose control' they can use a drug to knock me out. One good thing is that I'll be in the room my self. I silently pray that Katniss isn't a mutt so that she won't be able to rip me to shreds but I hope that I was right, that I can prove to everyone who says I'm crazy. So around 11:30 were everone is, but me, my doctors leave me in the hospital room. I sigh and look at the ceiling, counting the square tiles, for the millionth time. My eyes drop and scan each one, criss crossing as I do so. Then I hear my door open. I fling my eyes at her.

She slowly walks in, and when she gets a yard away from my bed she wraps her arms over her ribs, "Hey." "Hey" I say couriers if she'll transfrom in to a mutt. "Haymitch says you wanted to see me." she says carefully "Look at you, for starters.", I say "Your not very big, are you? Or particularly pretty." She looks hurt for a second but it dissapers, "Well, you've looked better." I laugh "And not even romotly nice to say to me. After all I have been through" "Yeah. we've all have been through a lot. And your the one who was known for being nice. Not me." I don't respond and she seems to be thinking. "Look, I don't feel so good. Maybe I'll stop by tomorrow." When her hand touches the door I yell, "Katniss. I remember about the bread." "Afterwards, there was a lot of kissing. Didn't seem very genuine in

"They showed you the clip of me talking about it?" She asks. "No Is there a clip about it? Why didn't the Capitol use it against me?" "I made it the day you we're rescued." "What do you remember?" This time, my anger seizes and I can talk soft "You. In the rain", "Digging through our trash bins. Burning thw bread. My mother hitting me. Bring the bread outside for the pig but giving it to you instead." "Thats it. That's all of it.", "The next day at school I wanted ti thank you but I didn't know how." "The next day we were outside. I tried to catch your eye but you looked away. And then. . . I think, you picked a dandelion." she nods. "I must have loved you a lot." "You did." "And dis you love me?" I ask "Everyone says I did. Everone said that's why Snow had you tortured. To break me." "That's not a answer," I say un satisfied. "I don't know what to think when they show me those clips. In that first arena, it looked like you tried to kill me with those tracker jackers." "I was tring to kill all of you," she says "You had me treed." "Later, there was a lot of kissing. Didn't seem very genuine on your part. Did you like kissing me?" "Sometimes," she admits "You know there's people watching us right now." I eventually realized that they were watching me through the wondow that is pitch black to me. "I know. What about Gale?" "He's not a bad kisser ether." "And was it okay with both of us? Kissing the other one." "No. it wasn't ok with ether of you. But I wasn't asking your permission." My anger returns and I laugh, coldly. "Well ypyr a piece of work aren't you?" I say. With that she angrily turns on her heal and walks out the door. So, she's not a mutt that wants to kill me. But that doesn't mean I'm wrong about her.

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