Chapter 12

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(Authors note) I was planning on adding the avox scene but I thought abut doing it to late because Peeta told Katniss that he didn't think they gave him any venom yet so sorry if you wanted to see that part but also thank you guys so much for a 1,000 reads and to Ella Jors for helping with an idea for this chapter. 

I haven't had to go with a guard for a about two days but that doesn't mean I got a "break" from seeing the "doctors". I think im going insane now, I always tug at my hair or talk to myself or even punch the wall which helps calm down and I don't even know why. One weird thing as that i've been getting meals brought to me again 3 times a day.

Speaking of the bell I hear the rattling of keys and an avox walks in with a guard behind him. "Peeta, when you finish this please put the tray out the door for a signal that your done and then I will come and get you and bring you for a meeting with Mr. Snow." says the gaurd. I just glare at him. I mumble "Yea right". "Would you like to tell me what you just said?" He more commanded then questioned. I just rolled my eyes as he and the avox walked out and the guard which I found his real name was Alvin slammed the door.

I didn't move just looked out the door to my cell wishing to escape this trap that I knew was impossible. I saw Johanna looking at my food hungrily through the corner of my eye. I didn't even realize she was there. I knew how hungry she is and that sense she was right there I could secretly give her some food. I grabbed my rolls and passed her them and she looked at me with disbelief and quietly came over and took them. 

I ate what ever kind of broth this was and pushed the tray from under the bars. Withen 2 seconds came Alvin and quickly opened the door and took my shackles of what I forgot what where on me and replaced them with handcuffs what where tightend like the last time. I sighed frustration. He clipped my handcuffs to the walls and walked of to talk with another guard.

I lean against the wall. Then I hear there conversation. "Make sure those bombs are ready to go by morning" Alvin says "Yup. That's all done. Bye bye District 13." The other guard says "So if I heard correct there bombing District 13 tomorrow morning?" another voice says. "You heard correct" says the other guard. "I have to go take Mr. Crazy to go see the boss." says Alvin and with that I hear his feet coming back towards me. He un clips the cuffs and I hear the chain I was connected to bounce on the wall as he leads me toward Snows study.

He opens the door and I see Snows snake eyes look up. Alvin takes me out of the handcuffs but before I even have a chance to move them h grabs them firmly and forces me in the chair that's in front of Snows desk and straps my arms down with thicker material then usual and instead of leaving the room he goes and stands in front of the door.

"Peeta we need you to do one last interview. The rebels are becoming more of an issue, especially with Katniss Everdeen being their "Mockingjay". When he said "Katniss" I started to become angry. Before I can answer he cuts in. "Mr.Clark will escort you to your prep team. You are to talk about the issues of what the rebels caused and the need for a cease fire. If you don't know what to say we will have words programmed in front of you. Understand?" I don't say anything. "Will make sure you cooperate or will have some  issues with you." He says smirking. I glare at him and Alvin un does my straps and put the handcuffs around my wrists.

( I'm going to skip the prep team and part of the interview. sorry)

I tap my foot on the podium were my feet sit and I try to think if I should warn all those people about the bombing or if I let it be and let the mutt die. I'm so nervous and don't really pay attention. When I'm asked to talk I speak in an angry voice because I'm so frustrated. (Skip to end)

Snow asks me if anything from demonstration, if I have any parting of Katniss Everdeen. When I heard the mutts name I got a whole bunch emotions bundled up but I tried to hold them in and worked for a response. "Katniss . . . how do you think this will end? What will be left? No one is safe. Not in the Capitol . Not in the districts,"

Should I warn them about the bombing? No! The mutt will die. But still, those innocent people will die. "And you in thirteen..." I take a long breathe my mid fighting with each other to not warn them but all those people will die. "Dead by morning!" I did it! I attempt to tell them about the bombing but I feel something hard hit the back of my head and knocked out of my chair, a lot of other guards come over and start to whack me and hit me with bats and whips as I scream in agony.

I feel my body being lifted up and get dragged out of the room. I see a blood puddle sitting on the floor. My blood. 3 guards take me to a room from Snows orders and say they have a "present" for me. I get strapped to a chair. Being electrocuted and whipped from all 3. I think it's done when they stop but they take me out of the chair and back to the room with the "doctors" and it all happens again. Questions. Beating. Venom.

Mockingjay - Peetas POVWhere stories live. Discover now