Going to fast...

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Harry and Alyssa still arent back!!! Im getting worried, Alyssa' alot younger than Harry. I know hes quite responsible so's Alyssa but they can be a handful when their together. OMG they could be doing.......

'ssssshhhhhh Harry the others could be in bed!!!!!'

'Sorry mum!!!!'

'S'okay come on lets go watch a movie in the living room!!!!!'

' Thank God your back I was starting to get worried!!!!' I ran over hugging Alyssa.

' Liam I fine Jesus didnt you trust me or something?'

' No he didnt trust me did you Liam?' I gulped it was true I didnt trust Harry with my baby sister shes so young and innocent but being Harry could take her innocence and maybe more away...

' Liam I cant believe you dont trust Harry or do just not trust him with me?'

' I just dont trust him with you...'

' Well Liam you can trust us because Harry understands that im not ready for any of THAT yet!!!!!'

' Liam I really like Alyssa I wouldnt take advantage of her like that!!!!!'

' Im really sorry i didnt trust you guys. I was just being over protective. But just remember she is only 13 Harry and if do anything like that and she doesnt want to i'll personally cut your balls off in your sleep!!!!!!!' They laughed thinking i was joking but i was deadly serious!!!!!!! They went off into the living room hand in hand to watch a film. I really dont like this, I dont want to see Lissa upset but I have to stop her seeing Harry but im gonna need the others help to get Harry to lose intrest in Alyssa.

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