Starting Over

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         They say that young love doesn't last. I never believed that until now...

Angry shouts erupted from the kitchen. You were fighting with your husband again. "What do you mean you used all our savings on alcohol!" "I told you I'm sorry I didn't mean to, you knew I was drunk" You ignored him as he made up more excuses, in the corner of your eye you could see little Kamri crying with her face tucked into her knees. "You know what just shut up and leave!", you said cutting off his sentence. You glared at what used to be a responsible, kind hearted father. Walking over to Kamari you could see his reflection following you in the window. You turn around to scream at him but no noise would leave your mouth. Taking advantage of your quietness he put a hand on your shoulder and said, "Emelia look let's start over." "Get out of my house!", you scream trying to loosen his grip on your shoulder. "Emelia it was one mistake!", he replied adding a hand onto your waist. "I'm tired of your mistakes, I'm tired of you crawling back and asking for my acceptance!" you scream as you feel tears welling up but you wouldn't let them fall you had to be strong for Kamari. As you push him away you point a finger at Kamari, "What about us! Have you ever given a thought about your daughter's future!" At these words he remained silent, "That's what I thought...", you mumbled looking down at your feet. He seemed to be stuck on the floor as you walked away. Turning back around to see him still there you shot a glare at him, seeing the message he started walking to the door. You turned back around when you heard the door slam closed. Rushing over to Kamari you held her face up with your hands and you could tell she was scared, her eyes were red and sore from crying and her cheeks were stained with tears, her little nose wet from the fresh tears that was shed just moments ago. "I'm sorry baby", you mumbled wiping away her tears. You could feel your heart physically hurt having to do that, you had a lump in your throat as you continued wiping away Kamari's tears. As you were pulling Kamari into a hug she suddenly pushed you onto the ground. You were too shocked to even move, you were hurt that your own daughter had rejected you. "Mommy why... why... your a monster!", she screamed huddling back into the little corner. You were hurt by her words but you had to protect her.

    Finally managing to carefully pull her into a hug you hushed her. She soon fell asleep and you carried her to her bed, once laying her down you could feel her waking up again. "Kamari look I did what I had to do... I did it for you... I'm sorry but he can't stay he doesn't even care for us...", you said looking at her scared face. "Why... why can't we be a normal family...", she said cuddling the brown stuffed bear laying on her bed. "It's just what life planned and you can't change that", as you said that you could feel her head slowly fall onto your lap. As she drifted off you planted a kiss on her forehead and wished her a good night. Was it a good decision to let him go, he was the one who worked for money and helped support you. You hated that you were already regretting everything. 

       About 2 months later you found yourself in a car heading to a room to sign contracts for a successful divorce. On the way there you just kept thinking about all the good times when your soon to be ex husband was still caring and loving. Sure he treated you and your daughter like trash but he was the only reason why you two were still alive today, but you will manage somehow, you have to do what's best for Kamari. 

      Finally, you had just finished signing the papers but your head was clouded as you walked down the streets back to your car, you had promised Kamari to pick her up before 4:30. You were too distracted to notice a tall man walking by, as you kept walking you bumped into that man which snapped you back into reality. "Jin?", you asked looking at the tall man up and down. "Emelia!!!", he excitedly shouted back at you, Jin was your friend from high school all the way  to your second year of college. "I haven't heard from you ever since you dropped out of school so you and your husband can deliver your child", he said now hugging you. "Oh... ya... well... ex husband now", you said trying to avoid your friend's eye contact. "Oh wow then I guess we should catch up on some coffee."

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