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(This is father and son)

          Do you guys remember the time when I told you I wanted a son? Well it's finally happening! My wife and I were pretty worried about how me being an idol would affect his life but right now let's just focus on making sure that he's safe.

          It was a Sunday morning and the sun was shining through the curtains. I groaned and turned opening my eyes to see my wife in my arms. I looked at her and then the baby bump holding our son. Without knowing the corner of my lips lifted up to form a small smile.

         "Good morning", my wife whispered before wrapping her arms around my neck. 

 "Good morning", I replied moving my arms around her to the baby bump on her stomach. 

"And Good morning to you too", I said pecking the bump on her body. 

My wife looked over at me smiling, I couldn't wait for our son to come to complete our little family. I looked over to my wife and soon to be born child one more time before falling asleep again.


          We had just finished practicing our dance for 'Not Today' and we decided to take a 5 minute break. Everyone was drinking water and wiping their sweat with towels when my phone started ringing.

           "Hello?", I asked tiredly while continuing to sip from my water bottle.

"Yoongi we have to go now!", I  heard my wife say through the phone. Immediately I got up and headed towards the door leaving the members confused and shocked. 

"I'll be back!", I yelled before slamming the door closed.


            The baby has been delivered and a beautiful little boy was laying on my wife's chest sound asleep. The other members have just arrived to meet the little bundle of joy. We all stayed quiet for a few minutes taking in the view of my first born.

           "What's his name?", Namjoon asked staring at the tiny being.

"We haven't decided yet...", I replied scratching my neck looking at the boys.

"Can we help you name him?!", Hoseok yelled loudly causing the baby to squirm a little in his sleep.

"Sure, sure but please quiet down", I said letting out a annoyed sigh.

          For the next 6 minutes or so the boys were fighting over who's name was best to suit the young child.


          "Come to daddy", I said to my son, he has just started walking and was still a bit wobbily but it was adorable. As I kept calling for the boy he slowly waddled over to where I was sitting on the ground.

"Wow! Your so good at this!", I praised as the baby let out a high pitched squeal. 

"Yoongi can you carry him in here so I can feed him?", My wife said from inside the kitchen.

"Sure", I said before lifting up my son and placing him on my shoulders.


          "Daddy play choo choo train with me!!!", a chubby little boy squealed running up to me.

"Ok", I replied sitting down on the ground and joining the game.

"I wanna be the blue train daddy!", the little boy shrieked picking up the train and placing it on the little wooden tracks. 


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