Chapter 8 - The First Assignment

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A/N - Hello everyone! I wanted to let everyone know that chapters are going to be updated at a slower pace from now until at least mid May. I have some important exams coming up and so I have to prioritize studying. >.< I'll try to at least get one or two chapters out during this time and I thank you all for your patience. So if there's ever a lack of updates don't worry I am NOT stopping this story :) 

Anyways thank you everyone for reading this story and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Arthur smiles, heart pounding in his chest as he stares at the flower on his bedside table, the words on the page echoing in his head.

'Love is reciprocated'

The prince giggles to himself as he rolls around underneath his covers, laughing with total abandon. Not caring if any passing guards or maids hear him. He's happy. Happier than he's ever been before in his entire life. For the longest time he's always thought that nothing could be better than becoming a knight of Camelot. Oh, how naive he was back then. Becoming a knight could never compare to the elation he feels from reading those three words on the page. 

"Merlin loves me," he mutters to himself with another giggle, his head finally popping out from underneath the covers. "Merlin loves me!" he shouts into the empty room.

He laughs again before glancing to the window, finding the sun just beginning to rise in the distance. There should be another hour or two at least before Mary comes with breakfast. He has the time to give Merlin an early morning visit. Right?

With a smile the prince untangles himself from his blankets and leaps off the bed. He throws on his boots and rushes out the door, not even bothering to change from his night clothes as he dashes through the hall.

By this time the maids and servants are already awake and working. They shuffle quietly through the corridors, chatting with one another as they start their days work. Arthur passes a few in the hall, giving them a cheery 'good morning' before sprinting past them. Most just chuckle as the prince darts by, assuming his excitement was due to his first day as an official knight rather than as a lovestruck boy.

Arthur dashes down the steps, hurrying as fast as he can when he hears a voice call out to him.

"Arthur?!" A shrill voice shouts, forcing the prince to come to a sudden stop. He turns only to find Mary walking up to him with a meal tray that consisted of nothing but bread and a jug of water in her hands. She looks him up and down with a face filled with confusion. "What are you doing? And in your nightwear at that! A prince shouldn't be wandering around the palace in such a fashion!"

"I was just... excited. It's my first day as a knight," he says, the words a partial lie.

Mary sighs, "Ah... of course. There wouldn't be any other reason you would be up so early in the morning. Come on, let's get you changed," she says turning towards the direction of his chambers.

Arthur mutters a little under his breath. Why did he have to run into Mary now of all times? "I can change myself. You're busy right now aren't you?" he says while gesturing to the tray in her hands, "You don't need to worry about me. I don't want to hold you from your other duties."

Mary glances down to the tray in her hands, only now remembering that she had something else to do. "Oh, you're right. I almost forgot," she says with an embarrassed smile, now turning back in the direction she was originally heading in. "I'll bring you breakfast once I deliver this."

She scurries off, leaving Arthur to wonder who in the castle wanted nothing but a loaf of bread and water for breakfast. He shrugs, not being one to judge another person's strange tastes before turning and heading towards the closet where Merlin resides underneath.

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