Chapter 5 - Just a Tiny Bit in Love

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"Is something the matter my lady?" Gwen asks with a whisper, peering around Morgana as she looks out from behind a pillar.

"Shh, be quiet. He'll hear us!" Morgana says with a hiss at her new maid before turning her attention back onto the prince at the other end of the hall.

Gwen raises an eyebrow, lowering her voice further before inquiring again innocently. "Why are you staring at his highness? Do you like him?"

Morgana turns around abruptly, face twisted in disgust at the mere thought of the boy. "Ew, of course not. Who would like that jerk of a prince?"

Gwen shrugs as she peers out from behind the pillar again. "He's kinda cute."

Morgana gives a disapproving look before gently flicking the younger girl's forehead, eliciting a muffled 'ow' from the maid. She turns her attention back to Arthur who has just started rummaging through the closet where the maids store the wash basins. "I'm telling you this because I like you, Gwen, Arthur is a stupid jerk. You're too good for him."

Gwen giggles, blushing slightly at the compliment. "Thank you. But then why are you staring at him?"

"Because isn't he acting suspicious? I've seen him doing this in lots of places already. I want to know why."

Gwen watches for a few minutes. "Maybe he lost something?"

"Arthur doesn't have anything precious."

"You don't think very highly of him."

"Of course not. He never admits I'm better than him in sword fighting even though I've beaten him countless times already. He's arrogant, selfish, and an idiot. Oh no, he's coming!" Morgana quickly shoves Gwen back against the pillar as Arthur walks past. Thankfully, he doesn't see them.

She frowns at his back, making a split second decision, then jumps out from her hiding spot. "Arthur!" she shouts, arms crossed as she walks up to him.

The prince jumps at the sound of her voice and turns, expression immediately morphing to one of annoyance as he sees Morgana standing behind him. "What do you want? I'm busy!" he says angrily.

"What were you doing over there?" she asks.

"I don't need to tell you."

"Then I'll tell Uther."

Arthur's eyes narrow, "you wouldn't."

She just smirks, knowing she's won. "You know I will."

Arthur grumbles under his breath before glaring at her. "I'm looking for something."

"Looking for what?"

"That's not your business. You wouldn't understand." He turns and starts walking down the hall.

Morgana seethes at the answer. This is why she hated the stupid prince, acting all arrogant as though he knew everything. Knew things that she didn't know. But before she's able to interrogate him some more Arthur has already turned the corner and disappeared down the hall. She fumes, then grabs her maid's hand and pulls her along as they search for the prince again.

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