Chapter 11 - The Blue Butterfly

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A/N - I'm so so so sorry everyone for the long wait and I thank you all for being patient! Here's the new chapter but I'm sorry to say that, again, the next chapter is not going to come out for at least another month. I have finals right now and almost immediately after my exams are finished I'm heading out on vacation. 

I'm sorry that there's been so many long gaps between chapters lately. I'll try and update as soon as I can once I get home. 

Regardless thank you all for reading this story and I hope you enjoy!  


The candle does little to chase away the darkness that surrounds the pair as they make their way deeper through the hall. Arthur walks in front, his hand resting against the hilt of his sword as his step quickens with each second. He's so close. So close to finding Merlin. It's been years and now, finally, he'll meet him. He'll be able to hug him, kiss him, and keep him at his side forever.

"My lord," Mary calls, coming up behind him with the candle in her hand, "I hope you realize I don't have the key to the boy's cell. Only your father has that."

Arthur frowns but continues forward, not about to let some stupid key stop him from getting Merlin out. "I'll find some other way in. I'm getting him out tonight."

Mary smiles at his back before walking up ahead of him. She holds the candle up and leads him further in, not stopping until they reach the end of the hall where an iron door stretches up in front of them.

Arthur can feel his knees go weak as the door appears before him. There's a sudden rush of emotion all through his body because this is it. This is where it all ends. Here is everything that he stands for and everything that his father doesn't. His fingers twitch beside him, itching to tear down that door and let free all those things that his father has kept locked away. All the secrets and atrocities that the king has hidden from everyone. 

He dashes forward, grabbing the handle and jiggling it a few times before knocking loudly against the door. He pounds on the metal with the same rhythm of his heart till he isn't sure anymore whether the loud thump thump thump he hears is the pumping of his blood or his fist against the door. Mary tries to pry him off, telling him to cool his head and think before trying to tear down the cell with his hands. He ignores her, wanting nothing more than to break through into the room where Merlin is so he can finally wrap his arms around the idiot.

The only thing that stops him from his frenzy is the sound of a familiar voice on the other side. "Who are you?"

Arthur shivers at the words, feeling as though a cold dagger is being dragged across his neck. There's an unmistakable killing intent emanating from behind the door. A rush of power and danger that makes all his instincts tell him that this is a fight he'll never win.

Pushing down the fear inside Arthur leans in close to the door and replies, "It's me. It's Arthur. You don't have to worry I won't let anything happen to you."

Suddenly that cold aura disappears, bring replaced with the sound of footsteps on the other side as Merlin rushes over. "Arthur? Arthur!" He calls, voice now filled with relief as he knocks against the door as well. The sound is frantic, as though he too is trying to tear down the door one bit at a time. "You... you're really here?"

"Of course I am. I promised you didn't I?"

The knocking slowly stops, being replaced with the sound of a sigh and a chuckle as Merlin appears to calm down. "Thank you," he whispers quietly, "thank you so much."

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