Chapter 9 - Trust in Yourself

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A/N - I'm back everyone! Thank you for being patient and I hope you'll enjoy this new chapter! Or maybe you won't. The end to this chapter is a little... well I'll let you find out on your own. ;D


"Absolutely not!" Uther shouts, his voice echoing across the chamber as he paces along the length of the room, eyes refusing to meet that of his son's. "How many times have I told you before that sorcerers are dangerous. They do nothing but cause death and destruction. The longer we leave those Druids unchecked the more likely they will strike."

Arthur keeps his head down throughout the entire speech, not knowing when would be the best time for him to interject with his thoughts. He silently wishes Morgana were here now. She had always been braver than him when facing the king.

"Now, do I make myself clear?" Uther says sternly, standing right in front of the prince with stern eyes.

"But father there-"

"I said do I make myself clear?" he repeats the words, his tone even colder than before.

Arthur says nothing, only keeps his head down as he shifts from foot to foot nervously.

Uther heaves a sigh, turning his back to him as he shakes his head. "I suppose I was being too hasty. I thought you were ready but..." he turns back around, sending the prince a disappointed look, "clearly I was wrong."

The prince stiffens at the words, the hurt spreading through his body as he stares into his father's eyes. "No, I'm sorry father. I-I can do it."

"Can you?"

"Yes, I can. I'll resolve this issue."

The king's stare is still cold as he regards his son. With a quick look up and down he sighs, giving in. "Do not disappoint me again."


Arthur stands by the grate, staring down at the boy in the cell who reads happily without a care in the world. A blue light brightens the room, allowing him to see that there's a smile on the warlock's face and if the prince listens closely he swears he can hear Merlin humming softly to himself. The tune makes him feel warm inside, makes his problems melt away, but with a flash of golden eyes he remembers exactly what troubles him. Magic. It always comes down to magic in this kingdom doesn't it?

Arthur crouches down beside the grate, staring at the peaceful scene. He looks around himself, seeing the room covered in a layer of darkness. How strange it is that now he was the one stuck in that never-ending abyss. He looks back down into the grate then smiles as he calls out, "How are you doing today?"

Merlin looks up and almost instantly his expression lights up. He bounds towards the bottom of the grate, the excitement clearly evident in the light spring in his step, but the happiness fades suddenly when he gets a closer look at the prince's face. "What's wrong?" he asks, concern laced into each word, "Did something happen?"

The prince is taken aback. When did Merlin learn how to read him so well? "Nothing, just tired."

Merlin frowns, his lips pursed as he stares up at the prince, his expression clear that he didn't believe him. "I highly doubt that."

Arthur sighs, but feels a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips, happy to know that the boy cares for him so much. "I'm... confused," he begins, staring down at the floor, "My father gave me my first assignment. My first real assignment."

"That's great! Shouldn't you be happy about that?"

Arthur runs a hand through his hair, fidgeting with a few of the strands as he chooses his next words. "I know - I was - but... what he's asking is too much for me to handle."

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