Sick Lost Girl.

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Imagine being Pans girlfriend and him taking care of you when your sick

He told you playing in the rain would come back to bite you in the ass. At that moment you only did it to defy your hard head boyfriend, Peter Pan. Now you wish you'd listen to him.

As the boys were loud as usual you wished you could join in. Alas the coughing fits that would interupt your converstions stopped you from being just as loud.

Your throat was sore , red and raw. You nose filled with snot and was red. Your head hurt from your sinuses being clogged. Dispite the warm Neverland sun you shivered and pulled the blanket tighter around you.

"Feeling any better love?" Pan said making you jump slightly as he crouched down next to you.

"No" you tryed to say the best you could being all stuffy. He placed a hand in your forehead.

"You're burning up love" he narrowed his eyes and picked you up gently. "Wish you had listsned to me yet?" He said as he carried you to the tree house.

You only nodded your head as you snuggled in as close to his chest as you could. He was just so warm. He placed you in the bed you two share and piled blankets on top of you. You burrowed under them trying to keep the little warmth you had.

You could hear Peter doing something but did not care enough to surrender your warmth to find out. "Lass come on you need to drink this for you throat" he said.

You lightly peaked out of the blanket mound, only showing your face and not much of it. You sniffled trying to suck up all the snot. He handed you a glass of mint tea and a box of tissues. Taking a sip, you marveled at the warmth and the taste as it spread through your body as you swalloed. Gods you were cold. "Are you hungry love? If you need anything just tell me"

You nodded and pulled the box of tissues in your blanket mound and covered back up. Pan chuckled at you. You felt the bed dip down next to you. Hissing as cold air flowed in as the blankets lifted up and he slid in."Peter" you whined "you made meh cold"

"Sorry love" he said and pulled you close to him wrapping his arms around you giving you more warmth. Sighing in happiness, it didnt take long for you to fall asleep.

2 hours later you woke up. You found yourself to be alone in the blanket mound but quite warm. It had probably gotten to hot for Peter under the seven comforters and 3 sheets you have all balled up to make the mound. Although you did wish he had stayed but then again he may get sick. You really did not want that so it was alright in a sense.

"You awake yet love" Pans british accent slid through the air and made you smile. Once he saw you struggling to get out of the blankets he knew yoy were up. With a swift yank he pulled the covers off your head and watched you pout. "Even sick that still adorable" he smirked. He began to lean down for a kiss but you moved your head to the side.

"You might catch it"you whined at him.

"Love i have lived through most plauges in history. I think ill be alright " he laughed at your concern. With that he pulled your chin to face him and kissed you deeply.

The kissed turned into a make out session faster than before. Sooner than ethier of you liked, you had to pull away" sorry baby i cant breathe through my nose as of right now" you sniffed

He kissed your cheek "Your alright love. I love you so much (Y/N) "

"Wove you doo" is how it came out from you sineses being full of grossness.

"My sick lost girl" he said and kissed your head.

Bad ending ik...i tryed

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