Don't Take Me Away!

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*1 year later*

Chloe's POV

It has been a year since I have started dating Mitch.We don't see eachother a lot.But we text each other and FaceTime whenever we can.

He and the rest of Pentatonix will come and visit me sometimes.Also,Anna is dating Avi!Hooray for her!

"Chloe,are you coming?!"Yelled Anna.

Anna decided to go back to college so she could finish."Coming,Anna!"I yelled.Me and Anna went outside and got in the car.

"Oh,I have a surprise for you when we get to the mall.You're gonna love it."Anna said.I smiled and listened to music on my phone.

I suddenly get a text from Mitch.

M:Hey babe.
M:I miss you.
C:Me too!But don't worry.You'll see me in a week.
M:But a week is to far away!I want to see you now. :'(
C:Aww!Me too,Mitch.But a week is better than a month.
M:True.Well I have to go.Love you. :)
C:Love you too,boo.Bye :)

Me and Mitch stopped talking.I went back to listening to my music.In a couple of minutes we arrived at the mall.

Anna parked and stopped the car.I got out of the car and wiped my pants off.I get another text from Mitch.

M:Turn Around. ;)

I turned around and saw Mitch.I screamed and Mitch picked me up by the waist and spinned me around.He put me down and kissed my lips.

"How?!"I asked.

"Tour ended early.I thought I should come and see you.I missed you."Mitch said.

"Me too."I said.

I looked into Mitch's beautiful brown eyes.Mitch kissed my forehead and my cheek.I smiled and held his hands.

"Are the others here?"I asked."Yeah.They're over there."Mitch pointed.I look over to where Mitch was pointing and saw Kirstie,Avi,Scott,and Kevin.

Kirstie turned around and saw me.She squealed and ran over to me and hugged me.

"I missed you!"she squealed.

"I missed you too!"I exclaimed.

The rest came over and hugged me."Long time no see,Little Cupcake."Avi chuckled.He and Kevin nicknamed me 'Little Cupcake'.

"Also,we're staying in town for a week.We're crashing at your place."Kirstie explained.

I smiled and squealed."This is so amazing.I get to spend a week with my best friends and my boo."I said.Mitch blushed and kissed my lips.

Everyone was saying "Aww!".Anna was holding Avi's hand and kissed his cheek.

This couldn't be more perfect than what it is already.

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