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Okkk so basically I'm not sure I'm going to finish this book, I mean unless you guys really want me to. This book was basically something I could just do when I was bored I definitely didn't think it would get as many views as it did. I've been writing another book that has my full attention but I see that you guys have been really wanting me to update but you've also been saying that it's to short and the lyrics take up most of the chapter, lol trust me I know that. But I want you guys to know that if you really want me to continue this book, and make it better then your going to have to comment what you want. Yes or no? Continue and edit this or just give up and move on? I need you to comment ok, tell me what you want. This isn't just some authors note as an excuse for not having a chapter up for a while but something that I need you to read desperately.

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