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The school week passed by quickly nothing out of the ordinary except for the glare I keep getting from the famous Asher Grey

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The school week passed by quickly nothing out of the ordinary except for the glare I keep getting from the famous Asher Grey. I honestly couldn't care less anymore. Sure he scares the fudge out of me but after a week you'll get used to it.

I was currently getting ready for the party today. Well, Shelley and Maria were already ready but I wasn't. They wanted me to wear some very inappropriate dress that I personally think showed alottle bit more skin then I was used to.

I finally got tired of arguing so I pushed them out the door and said "You know what guys I am going to dress myself in something that I wish to wear, and something that doesn't show my buttox, but for you guys I won't put something on that doesn't show any skin at all because Maria, this night is for you, not me."

I walked inside of my walk in closet and looked through all of my clothes that I bought over the years. It's sad that I still fit in clothes from 6th grade. But it's not like I would wear anything from that year because like holy cheeseballs I had horrible taste back then.

Maria and Shelley had given me 20 dresses to try on that they brought, I guess they knew that I wouldn't have any, I wonder how. 

It was an hour before the party started when they handed me one more dress, "guysssss, this is too shorrrrrt" I ground out,  "well too bad that's the last one and we barely have time to get ready ourselves" 

I felt guilty so I didn't complain again while we were getting ready. 

I grabbed my phone and went outside to meet Maria and Shelley

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I grabbed my phone and went outside to meet Maria and Shelley.

When I entered both their jaws dropped, I danced around them and walked up and down the hallway of the kitchen as if it was a runway. Shelley came up to me playing with my straight hair. "Sorry for the language Nina but I have to say, damn you look so good!" Maria nodded her head and said "Oh fuck yes! She looks better than good she looks effing sexy!" I laughed but shook my head and walked away. "1, language and 2, thank you but we have to go now it we don't want to be latter than we already are." They agreed and we walked to my jeep. When we arrived everyone was inside and we could hear the music from the outside. We walked inside the unlocked door and I felt a tickle in my nose so I had to sneeze, you can count on me to sneeze in the only time when it's quiet. The time when the song changes.

Everyone turns to look at me. I look around and see people come in from different places to see what happened to all the noise. I don't understand why people were still looking at me. Maybe they are looking behind me at Shelley and Maria. So I looked behind me and in the corner of my eye I saw everyone look at my sudden movement.

Ok so they are watching me. I continued to turn around and I saw that Maria and Shelley were smirking and looking at me like they knew something I didn't. I gave them a questioning look and pulled my shoulders up to my head which is something I do when I am uncomfortable, They must have noticed that because they said at the same time "Alright everyone surely you have something else to do then fucking stalk Nina! And If you don't then you should fucking try to find yourself a life!" With that everyone looked away. Some lingered longer and both of my amazing friends glared at them which made them look away. "You ok" I nodded. "I just need a little alone time, if you need me text me" I said waving my phone around concluding my point. They sighed but agreed.

I walked to the kitchen and got a water from their tap. 

I don't even know who's house this is.

 I sat down on the stool next to the island and took a sip of my water.

Asher's P.O.V

We were at the party for about 5 minutes. I had finally gotten her out of my head before their was an awkward silence. I went to check out what was happening when I saw that she was their with her best friends.

My eyes widened at her appearance and my friend got a little bit to exited. Then I got mad. Everyone was looking at her in that dress. It should only be me. She's mine. I thought that I made that clear.

Her shoulders went flying up to her neck area. I watched how her friends saw that and then they got mad. They yelled at everyone to go back to what the were doing and I just watched sipiting my water with an amused yet concerned expression.

 What happened to her? 

Howwww was chapter 4???

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