Temptation 😏

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I woke up in Lola's crib thinking about everything we talked about last night and she's a laid back, down to earth ass girl who's been through a lot in her life. I seen her still sleeping and I walked downstairs to make her something to eat before she woke up. "X?" I heard her say as she came downstairs. "Yeah?" I said as she cane into the kitchen and sat on the counter next to me. "Morning." "Morning. You hungry?" I said as she shook her head yes and rubbed her eyes. "I'll make you something." I said as she smiled and headed upstairs. I heard my phone chime showing that Randy texted me. I texted him back telling him I was at Lola's house. "Hey, I'll be right back okay?" She said as she came back downstairs. "Okay." I said as I cooked her some pancakes, bacon, eggs and some sausage. I got done and cleaned her pans that I used then fixed her plate as I sat at the table and ate my food. I got on Instagram and seen a lot of people tagging me saying they wanted me to get on periscope so I could talk to them but that's actually something Ima do later. "I'm back." Lola said as she dried off her hair that was curling up. "Well, sit down and eat." I said as she began to eat and made all types of noises. "This is so bomb. I didn't know a thug could cook like this." She said as she smiled at me. "You know, I got many more talents that's hidden under my thug ness." I said as she laughed. "That's cute." She said as I went up behind her. "I was being serious. But okay." I said as I could see her catching goosebumps. "Whatever." She said as she put her plate in the sink and sat on the couch to chill. I sat next to her as she got on her phone and laid her head on my shoulder.

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