Stressed 100× 😔

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I was in the living room as Lola was upstairs laying down cause her feet was hurting and she had a super long day. She's now 8 months and has been going through the motions like super crazy and I'm so over it tbh but I have to be there for her cause she's my baby and I wanna take care of her as she's carrying my child. "Aye, wassup Soon to be dad." Randy said as he dapped me up and sat down on the couch next to me. "Nothing man, just stressed out." "Bout what?" "Making sure that Lola's okay and that she isn't stressing out." "Man, she alright?" "Yeah she's sleeping now." I said as he nodded. "So, what's been good with this music lately?" "Been good for now. What's these rumors bout you and some new chick?" "Oh man, you too?" "Yeah me too. What happened to being crazy in love with Mali man?" "She's been playing and I'm not bout to keep putting my effort into someone who ain't gon take it serious so I found someone new." He said as I nodded. "Who is it?" I said as he smiled. "Her name is Ginger." He said as I nodded. "Okay, when we meeting her?" I said as he laughed. "Soon. I want Lola to have the baby first cause I know her emotions is all over the place and I don't want her to get all riled up over something she might say that might not even be that big." He said as I agreed. "Right. Only one more month until my princess comes." I said as I smiled. We laughed it up and just chilled the entire day.

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