Princess 💎

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I sat down in the chair as I held my daughter for the first time in ever and it felt like I already had her. "You okay?" Lola said as she woke up from her nap. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just looking at how beautiful she is." I said as I rubbed her hair gently. I noticed that she resembled Lola but with my ears. "She's beautiful huh?" Lola said as I smiled. "Yeah she is. Just like her mom." I said as I looked at Lola. "What do you want to name her?" "Harley Ava Rose." I said as Lola smiled. "That's a beautiful name." She said as she yawned. "Go back to sleep love." I said as she nodded and rolled back over. "Hey, she still sleep?" Rose said as she cane in and held Harley's hand. "Yeah why, wassup?" "Well, my family is coming over and they don't know about the baby." "So?" "So, that's gonna be a lot of drama and you don't need that in your life right now." She said as I nodded. "You right but what's so bad about your family?" "They're very judgmental and Lola's always been the child who was wild and they judged her more than us." She said as she stared at Lola. "Well, they just gonna have to accept us and my daughter that we had together. No matter what, I'm gon have her back through it all cause I love her." I said as Rosa smiled and hugged me. "I'm glad she met you X. You the one for her frfr. I'll see you later." She said as I nodded and placed Harley in her crib and fell asleep by the window.

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