Almost Time 💍⏰

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I began to hear the music play as everyone stood up and waited for Lola to come out and marry me already. I saw my daughter and Bella come out spreading the flowers around and looking so adorable. Then came the bridesmaids: Mali, Rubi, Rosa, and Anà. Then my groomsmen: Orlando, randy, Dave, and Vier. The best part was seeing Lola and her mother walking down the aisle together. I saw Lola looking like Cinderella and she was beautiful as she smiled at me. I could feel myself growing nervous as she gotten closer and closer to me. I seen her leave her mothers side and join mine as the pastor smiled at us. "We are gathered here today to join this lovely couple in holy matrimony. If you object, speak now and forever hold your peace." He said as no one said anything. "Let's begin. Do you, Jahseh Onfrey take Lola Rose as your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to hold, through sickness and health?" "I do." I said as I smiled at her. "Do you, Lola Rose take Jahseh Onfrey as your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to hold, through sickness and health?" "I do." She said as she smiled at me. "Now, where are the rings?" He said as my nephew brought the rings up. "Please grab your rings. Lola, repeat after me." He said as she repeated everything he said. She placed my ring on and it was my turn. "Jahseh, repeat after me." He said as I repeated the same thing. "By the law vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He said as I kissed her and heard everyone cheer and scream for us. "I love you Jahseh Onfrey." Lola said as a tear fell. "I love you too Lola Rose Onfrey." I said as she giggled. I took her hand as we walked back down the aisle and went inside. I'm officially a married man and now, I feel complete.

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