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Love doesn't make a sound. Neither does heartache.

When love dies it's quiet, and when a heart shatters, you don't hear it break.


What does, however, make a sound, is your smile. Your laugh. Your breath when you slept soundly in my arms and made my heart thud violently.

Now my arms are empty and my heart beats silently.


Love is a force to be reckoned with, it's the most powerful thing we humans have and it's utterly mute.

It takes days, months, years to find, but just a single second to uproot.


Silently we fell in love, silently we broke our hearts,

Silently I whispered I'd always love you, and silently we tore our souls apart,


Yes, love is silent and so is heartbreak, but the one thing I've learned that is not,

Is the sound of my own voice calling out to you in the middle of the night, and silence, in reply, was all I got.

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