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Humans can under pressure endure the most extreme means of torture and can be almost impossible to crack or bend,

With that in mind, I find it sad that it's still verbal abuse that usually breaks us, in the end.


A word carries more weight than a fist and lasts longer than a scar,

Words may vary, but take it from someone who's been hit with a crowbar;


Standing up to abuse is easy, you just curl up in a ball and wait for the hits to stop coming,

But when words hit there's no defense, no shield to protect you, no nothing to create a numbing.


You stand and you take the verbal punches and pray that it doesn't break you in front of them, that you can at least make it through the day,

But all day you carry around their words until they weigh you down to the point where you can't even muster a simple cheerful 'hey'.


Bullying is tough shit, and to every verbal warrior out there, I say fuck you.

What you say is what you are, the moment it's out there it's the new you, and your reputation will stick to you like glue.


If your proudest moment is to bring another person down to make yourself feel bigger,

Then maybe you have something small you need to make up for, ain't that a kicker?


And to every victim out there I say smile while they're yappin',

Let them think that stupidity coming out of their mouth is clever, even though it's straight verbal crappin'.


Because deep down, no matter your insecurities, always know that there's no ultimate judge of the world and their opinion doesn't fucking count,

You decide who you are, whom you'll be, what in life you'll goddamn amount,


No two people are alike, so nobody can be compared,

I see fifty billion stars in the sky and their shine is all shared,


If you ever forget your worth, remind yourself these words;

'I'm on my own path, I'm still under development, but I'm so much further along than these turds.'


Because if you've never bullied another kid and broken their confidence, you've already succeeded in life,

You've achieved kindness and compassion, and trust me that's not rife.


Ignore their words and listen to your own instead;

Tell yourself; 'I'm gonna smile today because I can, be happy, and one day I'm gonna marvel at the life I've led.'

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