Et Tu

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I can't stop laughing. I tend to do that when someone's been joking.

You played me so well, I hope it was worth it, all that fake croaking.


I guess you really get to know a person when curiosity is at stake,

If the person you thought was your friend really is nothing but a liar; a fake.


You know who you are. You know what you hid.

You know I'm dedicating this poem to you, to let them all know what you did.


You said it wasn't worth it, yet fuck me you still did it. Why?

Curiosity got the better of you, so you decided to pry.


I thought we were friends, but I guess vanity was more important.

Words weren't enough for you, but now you get to watch me rant.


You broke a trust that can't be undone, that's why you're no longer on my friend list.

I opened up to you and you repaid me with betrayal, lies, deceit - I think you get the gist.


I asked for one thing in our friendship, but you went behind my back,

Now you tell me you're sorry, chime me down with messages to forgive you and talk to you again? Fuck that.


Sometimes you just gotta take the lesson and learn it, and I sure learned mine,

I'm moving on and rising taller now, all because you crossed that vivid red line.


Ask yourself; you decided to do it, but did you think you'd get away with it?

You were fucking stupid enough to yap to my true friends, I bet you didn't think they'd rat out your bullshit.


You never meant to tell me, yet you get mad at them for doing the right thing? Fucking pathetic.

In case you were wondering; No, I'm not forgiving you, especially after all the things you wanted me to say sorry for, ain't that poetic?


You fucked up big, I hope you're proud, you get to keep that sense of stabbing a friend for the rest of your life while I sing; 'Et Tu?'

Well guess what, it's not my style, but here's two other words for you; Fuck you.

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