In The End

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It's funny how we don't understand things in life till we look back and reflect. 

How our torturous path was just that, until we pause up and really...


I often wonder what my life would've been like if certain things hadn't been done.

If for one I'd never felt suicidal, if I'd never held that gun.


If I'd never said yes to that first hit of weed, if I'd said no to drugs.

If I hadn't stolen those bags, if I hadn't become one of those thugs.


I consider where I would've been if I'd never gone tired of seeing my ma in tears.

If I had still been the same broken boy instead of the one who lived on for years.


If my home was still there and not here, and from the nightmare I'd never waken'ed,

If my bruises hadn't healed, if my father's lessons I'd never taken'ed.


If I'd never spoken up, if my ma had never felt shame...

If none of this had ever happened, would I still have been the same?


Would I have moved here and gone to high school, would I have met my best friend or would I have gone to Sidney?

Would he have saved me from my slow death and would I have given him my kidney?


Had my father not taught me how to take a punch, would I have survived a sudden beating?

Would I have mugged people on the street or learned a proper humane greeting?


If say I'd never taken a little X, would I even have met my ex?

Would I have turned into a man that a woman and mother proudly could say that she respects?


If I'd never looked at death and wondered if it was there I belonged rather than here...

I probably never would've written a single poem; I would've left that up to Shakespeare.


Funny how things happen, how getting through black fog leads you to a place you never thought you'd end up, like a blind nomad,

I didn't know it while it was happening, until it led me to a special place; Wattpad.


Had I never been through all this pain, heartache, near death and loss of love and friends, where the fuck would I have been today?

We all can't see it, but now I don't care; I'm right where I want to be, and I intend to stay.

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