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I was wounded, so were you,

When you came up and said my name, I could hardly believe it to be true.


How long has it been? Two years, give or take?

We texted a few times since then, but never really talked or met up for fuck's sake.


And now here you are, your hair is shorter but your smile is bigger,

And as you hugged me and started talking to me, I could've sworn I felt my heart beat quicker.


I heard you left your boyfriend, I'm sorry to hear, I know how it feels,

Splitting up after so long and coming back from it, after having been so head over heels.


It's tough, but hey, coffee sounds great, I know a great café,

Sure, have my number, we should catch up, how's Saturday?


Talking to you again after so long, I realized how much I missed it,

I know back then I was just trying to get with you, I'm sorry, I was such a twit.


I'm different now though, I know, I can't believe it either,

Apparently all it took was a firm hand, a bit of love, heartache and now a breather.


Speaking of hands, may I hold yours? Wow, it's so much thinner,

We can't have that, you need something to eat, can I take you out to dinner?


Wednesday evening, here we are, do you like the restaurant? I went for something sweet,

You look so damn beautiful, am I rambling? Sorry, what do you want to eat?


We're both super nervous, neither of us have done this in a while, can you tell?

My palms are sweaty, you're blushing, the waiter is speaking Spanish, bloody hell.


At the train station it's cold as balls and construction workers says there'll be delay,

So I guess we're going to stand here and freeze together, jumping up and down to keep warm, hurray.


Ten minutes later, they announce further delay and I swear I'm this close to grunting 'sod this.'

But one look at you and I suddenly know how to stay warm; I lean down and I steal a kiss.


It's so strange to feel a different pair of lips against my own after so long, but I can't find any complaints,

So when you moaned and stepped onto your toes, that's why I begun kissing you with no restraints.


Two years is a long time, but that space suddenly seems as unimportant as air,

We're kissing, people are staring, but I don't give a fucking care.


Your lips are sweet and shy, and shit your tongue drives me mad,

Could be that it's been a while for me, or that you're simply just the friendliest friend I've ever had.


Of course that's when the train comes, fucking useless steel, railroad car,

I have to kiss you goodbye and goodnight, but promise you that I'm just a call away and the trip is not that far.


Now here we are, we're both taking it slow, getting back into the game,

But as rebounds go, I think I couldn't have asked for a better, even if it's such a caddy name,


You're more than a rebound, you're a friend, a fellow broken soul, and you get it,

I like you, and inexplicably you've chosen, too, that you like this cheesy Brit.

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