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Meet High School Oli

I'm sitting in my classroom, I'm stuck to a chair and hunched over a table,

And by my hand is a pencil and a piece of paper, laid out to determine of which and what of I am capable,


But as I stare at my test, I have no sodding clue of who was president of America in 1808,

I think 'what the fuck', is this my pass to life? To know who ruled a country in eighteen-hundred-late?


Fuck that shit. That doesn't measure my intelligence on any level.

Show me a test that'll explain the different ways of suffering from psychological abuse, I'll bloody paint you the devil.


Give me a paper that asks how a person survives in a place where peers all around you are evil, judgmental, vain and cruel,

I know I'm no Picasso or Michelangelo, but even I know how to draw a picture of a school.


But I'll never get a test like that, all that matters is what I know about the past; I hardly see a question here that involves anything about the future?

What would I need that for anyway, not like I'm preparing for that, nah, that's just on the brochure.


We're in the 21st century and we still measure our youth's intelligence by an insufficient SAT score,

And break our kids self-esteem because the kid sitting next to them got a few dozen points more.


Inadequacy is the steel blocker of confidence - the constant weight of expectations, 'I'm-not-good-enough', do-over doubts,

The peer pressure of society, parents, personal goals and college scouts.


So come on, people, stop judging us on the barres you used to live up to, we aren't you and we never will be,

We are the next generation, a newer chance to make this shit better, so fucking stop the labeling and set our intelligence free.


We are the future, don't make us cling to the past,

We need new school reforms and we fucking need them fast.

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