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Mikayla POV:

Who would of thought I was carrying twins? But seriously who would of thought, whenever I went for my monthly scan the doctor would always say 'it's a healthy baby' never 'they are healthy babies'. How could they miss this? This changes everything, one baby is easy me and Chanyeol can both manage but two, that's just too much. That means mum would want to stay longer because knowing her she hates to see her daughter struggle, yes she has a loving side too. Chanyeol's parents have been very supportive as well, his mum has been sending us food and Yoo Ra has been giving me tips on how to take care of the babies. But Jung, oh boy, the babies are only 3 months old and already he has applied them to some grammar school when they can't even talk yet.

"Mikayla we are out of nappies" Chanyeol walks into the bedroom with his hair all over the place and dark circles around his eyes.

"What do you mean we are out of nappies? I bought some 2 days ago" I respond, how much can a two babies poop?

"Yeah but Cae pooped again" he scratches his head then falls onto the bed, "they are cute but hard work" he says whilst closing his eyes. I poke his forehead to see whether he is still awake but he doesn't move, I guess his asleep.

"I'm taking the twins" I whisper in his ear making him nod his head. I quickly put on a clean pair of jeans and a jumper before going to the twins bedroom and dressing them up. It's easy dressing up Jae because she hasn't pooped in her nappies yet but Cae, imma hafta improvise and use a napkin as his nappy. Don't judge me, my mum used to do the same to me. "Come you two lets go" I place them into their baby car seats before hopping into the front seat of the car. Once we get there I take out the baby two way carrier and place them on each side before casually strolling into the shop.

"Excuse me! Can you help me with this thingy" a lady wearing fur on fur on fur shouts trying to get someone's attention whilst trying to pull out a trolley. What has she never been shopping before? I walk up towards her and give her a smile before pulling out a trolley for her and for me as well.

"There you go" I say to her making her give me a big smile. Then a kid pops out of nowhere with earphones on and just stares at me then rolls his eyes and faces the lady. I swear I would give him slap if he wasn't so young.

"Soo Hee noona its not good to talk to strangers especially ones that are koreaboos" he says to her making me scoff, did this kid just call me a koreaboo? What just because I have blasian babies I am a koreaboo.

"I apologize my nephew doesn't have-"

"Any manners? Respect?" I interrupt her making her frown and look down.

"What so you're telling me you're not a koreaboo?" He asks me and of course I nod my head, wait why am I trying to explain myself to this kid. "Then why didn't you fuck someone your own race?" He asks making me shocked, not because he asked me why I'm not with someone my own race but because he just cursed.

"Number 1. You are way too young to curse and number 2. Just because I am black doesn't mean I should only marry a black person, love is not about race its about that feeling you get when you are with that person. That warmth and affection" I explain to him, this is ridiculous I came to the shops to buy nappies not to give a life lesson to a disrespectful kid.

"Number 1. I'm 12 therefore I think I'm fucking old enough and number 2. Appreciate that warmth and affection because it won't last long" he responds before grabbing the trolley out of the ladies hands and beginning to walk away from me, "Your babies will realize later on that they don't fucking need their parents" he says before strolling into the shop.

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