Chapter 2

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In this book its not going to go day by day of Juliet's life just the big parts and some smaller ones. So it's gunna skip. But I'll try and make it not confusing lol!

Ok! Enjoy.


So I guess you wanna know why Juliet and her life changed and how. Well here you go...

So the new family that moved in had many children but that isn't such a big deal. Only two of the children will matter in this story. Marcus and Gracelyn. Gracelyn is Marcus's older sister but only by about a year or two. Marcus was around Juliet's age.

So at first when the family moved into the neighborhood it was right before school started and Juliet had never met them. So on the first day of school she tried talking to them on the bus. They didn't like that. For some reason they just didn't like her. From that day on Marcus and Grace bullied Juliet everyday. It was mostly Gracelyn, Marcus didn't bother Juliet as much because his sister was always doing it so he never really got the chance.

Juliet didn't know much about bullying then but she knew what they were saying wasn't nice. Gracelyn would call Juliet ugly, fat, loser, freak and other names.The funny thing is, which isn't funny but yeah, Juliet wasn't even fat or over weight at the time. So she was confused and hurt. I mean who wouldn't be hurt. Especially a little girl who didn't know what she did to make them say what they were saying to her and about her

Half way through second grade Gracelyn was still bullying Juliet especially about her weight and looks. So Gracelyn made a deal with Juliet, if Juliet could lose 10-15 pounds within a week she would stop bugging her. Little Juliet didn't know that that wasn't possible. But she tried anyways. She'd run around a lot at recess until she was tired. But that didn't work. She didn't know what to do, she just wanted it to stop.

Well at the end of the week Gracelyn knew Juliet didn't lose 10-15 pounds. So Gracelyn kept going with the names. She would torment Juliet nonstop. Juliet realized it was a stupid mistake. The names increased and so did Juliet's pain. Juliet didn't want to ride the bus anymore.

I know what your thinking, 'Why didn't she just tell an adult?'. Well she did. She told her vice principal, Mr. ManFred. She'd tell him every week pretty much everyday, but nothing happened. He'd say "just ignore it" or he'd say they'd be punished, but they never were. She even told her parents, her mom wasn't happy with the bullying that was going on. So Juliet's mom stepped on the bus and said "You all need to get along and stop being mean to eachother." You'd think that would help but it didn't. So after awhile Juliet gave up on telling an adult because nothing was happening. So was done wasting her time.

That year a self-defense program came to the school, RAD KIDS. Only a certain amount of kids got to go. Well Juliet and her bestfriend Ethan got to go and do the program. It was every Thursday after school for about two and a half months. Two of their favorite councilers/teachers that taught the program were name Mike. Both of them, everyone one called the them Mike& Mike. Like Mike& Ike. They thought it was so funny and cool. Well anyways she and Ethan passed the class. They knew self-defense and when to use it.

One of Juliet's all time favorite teachers at the school was Mrs. Fry. Mrs. Fry, was a teacher Juliet and a few other kids saw every Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes even on Fridays! Juliet loved going there. She got out of class in the afternoon to play games, and talk about stuff. She didn't know why she saw Mrs. Fry but she didn't care. Mrs. Fry was awesome.

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