Chapter 4

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This chapter is going to be a short one lol.

I'm writing it while watching Ridiculousness and Fantasy Factory. Lmao


So some of you may be wondering what happened to the two guys from the chapter before, well Juliet never saw them or the dog again. And the bruises disappeared before she went home.

Ok now to another thing that happened during that year.

Now to another time in Juliet's life a couple months later.


So Juliet's parents, always had their friends the Whitlocks over a lot. Well the Whitlocks had three kids but only two came over with them. Katy and David. Since all four of them came over every week Juliet thought of Katy as her old sister. Katy baby sat Juliet and Derek, her brother. She would always play dolls with Katy. David was like a friend, him and Juliet weren't really close. She thought he was weird and stuff. But any ways back to the story I was originally going to tell you.

So one night Juliet, David and Derek were playing on David's Play Station. When he slept over their house he'd bring it. Well one night Derek and Juliet were watching David play on the Play Station when he said to them to come lie in Juliet's bed with him. So they did, they didn't think anything of it. Juliet was only 8, Derek was only 5, David had just turned 13 a week or two before that night. Well since Juliet was only 8 she didn't know about what happens when your a teenager. So when they went to get in the bed Juliet and David were on the outside and Derek in between them. Well That's not David ment. Cause he told Derek to move to the outside side of the bed and Juliet to move into the middle. Well Juliet didn't think anything of it then either. There was space in between them and no one was touching anyone. Well after about 5 minutes Derek had to go to the bathroom. So he left and shut the door. Once the door shut David paused the game and scooted so his body was touching Juliet's. Juliet didn't know what he was doing. And she didn't know what to do. So she didn't move and she kept quiet. Well David didn't stop with their body's touching he grabbed Juliet's lower stomach pulling her as close as he could to her. She knew she didn't like what he was doing. His hand moved to her side going up and down her leg and side. She really didn't like how he was touching her. So she said she had to go to the bathroom. As soon as she said that Derek walked back in. She jumped up, went to the bathroom, and sat in the cabinets under the sink were the body towels were held. While she sat their for a few minutes sang to herself quietly. When she went back David told her to come back to where she was before he left but Juliet didn't want to so she said no. David didn't try anything ever again after that. The boys left her room and Juliet went to bad and fell asleep. And that night Juliet had a nightmare. She had them a lot as a child and would climb into her parents bed with them with her blanket, pillow, and her stuffed animals. Well that night she just rolled over, sang and went back to sleep but that made it worse. Her nightmare just continued and got worse and worse. So she just turned on her tv at five in the morning and changed the channel to 60 which was Adult Swim. She watched that channel when she was at her cousins house. Juliet watched TV until everyone else was up.

If your wondering wether Juliet told her parents or anyone for that matter, she didn't. She didn't know what would happen. She was scared of the out come. So she never told.

Juliet's parents and the Whitlocks aren't friends anymore and they stopped coming over and vise versa because of other reasons. Juliet didn't know and really didn't care.


Sorry if I'm confusing anyone.

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