Chapter 5

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Okie this is prob going to be a short chapter like the last one cause its late at night like past 12:00 am. and yeah. Lol


Okie so at the end of third grade Juliet's old school stopped teaching fourth and fifth grade. So that meant all the third graders were going to go to Highland Elementary or another elementary school in town. Well Juliet was going to Highland Elementary. But her two bestfriends Ethan and Kylie were going to St. Mary's school. Juliet wasn't happy about that. She knew she wouldn't see them for awhile if ever again. She was going to miss them. Especially Ethan cause he was there for her through everything. Juliet was scared to be going to Highland.

Did I mention that Mr. ManFred was going to Highland Elementary too.


Fourth grade started and Juliet didnt know anyone in her class. But she made a friend outside, the girl's name was Madison but Juliet called her Mady. Mady's mom worked with Juliet's mom. Well it turned out Mady was in Juliet's class. Mady introduced Juliet to Alberto. Juliet and Alberto became friends in a blink of an eye.

At lunch she found out the assigned lunch seats. The people who were at Juliet's table besides her were Mady, Luis, the other Lewis, Edgar, Wearis, and Steven. We Juliet became friends with Steven and Luis.


In forth grade Shae started taking the bus that year. And Gracelyn wasn't on the bus anymore but Marcus was. And he just left off where grace ended. Juliet didnt like to talk on the bus. She would sit by herself most days, looking out the window or playing Pokemon on her GameBoy Color. But anyways Marcus kept it up and Juliet started to wonder I must have done something to them to make them not like me. But she couldn't think of anything. She thought back to first day of school in second grade, nothing. Oh well not everyone can like her she said. But then she started to wonder if maybe something was wrong with her. Forth grade nothing really happened to much. Juliet was bullied everyday still, and Marcus was in her class too. So she was bullied from the time she got on the bus till she got inside her front door.


Fifth grade was a big year for Juliet. Here's one of the reasons:

Bullying was finally taken more serious. It finally became a law. It became illegal.

Shae, Macy, and Marney (one of Juliet's closest friends) got tired of Juliet being bullied so they went and told Mr. Kane, the new principal at Highland. He was at Juniper, Juliet's old school, before he moved over to Highland. They told him about Marcus bullying Juliet still. He was one of Juliet's favorite people. He was nice and funny. And he has kicked Marcus off the bus before because of him bullying Juliet. She'd always see him when she missed the bus too. Anyways, they had enough of Marcus thinking he could pick on Juliet. They told Mr. ManFred they wanted to talk to Mr. Kane. So they went and talked to Mr. Kane. They brought Juliet along with them. So this way she could tell him too. Mr. ManFred was in the room when the three girls told Mr. Kane about it. Mr. Kane asked Juliet she looked up from playing with her hands and said "Yes sir, it is. He and his sister have been bullying me since the first day of second grade. And once his sister left for the middle school he started where she finished." Juliet looked back down at her hands. She and then girls went to class

Later that day Juliet was called down to Mr. ManFred's office. Mr. ManFred asked why she didn't tell him sooner. Juliet got so mad. She wanted to yell and scream about how she had and how he didn't do shit. But all she said was "I did, more than once, for years. Than I gave up telling people because nothing happened and it got worse because you didn't do anything. Mr. ManFred I TOLD YOU SO MANY TIMES!" Juliet said/yelled. Then she continued, "Mr. ManFred the only reason you actually are pretending to care is because it's illegal. It's a law! It took you until it was illegal to do anything or actually pretend to care! For years you didn't do anything when I told you! Don't pretend to care now." With that Juliet walked out of the office, down the hall, and into the bathroom and cried. She wiped away her tears and made it look like she wasn't crying. Then she left and went to class. All she could think is 'What's wrong with me?' 'What did I ever do to be bullied?'

She walked into her class head held high, acted like nothing happened and sat in her sear in between to her two bestfriends in the back of the class. Alberto and Axel.


Okie I'm tired and my body hurts. So I'm going to go to sleep my magical readers. I will update soon. Maybe tomorrow, it depends on how much homework I have. Lol first day back to school in about 15 days because we had our winter vacation and before that we had a snow storm and two days got cancelled, plus the weekends. Lol yeah well night I hope you like the chapter.

Sorry if I swear in this. I know there will be some in the story.

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