Chapter 9

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Sorry for the short chapter. I'm going to do a few chapters to make up for it. Sorry it is late, I had written a lot and it all got deleted. I'm pissed about that. Sorry though. I've been busy an dealing with a lot of stuff lately. Anyways here's the chapter...


It was a few months into 7th grade. The beginning of December to be correct. One night Juliet was in bed on Instagram when someone followed her. She didn't personally know the dude but he had similar friends so she accepted him. His name was Dante. He commented on one of her pics and asked if she had kik. They ended up talking to each other all night even though it was a school night.

The next day Juliet thought she saw him at school in the nurses office. But little did she know it wasn't him. It was just a kid named Jesus in the older grade. When she went home she saw Dante messaged her. She got happy. They talked for hours upon hours. Then Dante asked if she wanted to go out. She said yes because no guy ever asked her out, let alone like her more than a friend. He asked her if she had oovoo. She told him that she didn't. He asked her to download it, so she did. They were on oovoo until like 5:30 the next morning. She found out he didn't go to her school, that he went to a different one but in the same town. When she went to school she told her friends about the news. They were all happy for her.

After a week they broke up because his mom got pissed at him for dating someone. They called it off right before school. She got to school and tried not to cry. She didn't know why she wanted to cry but she did. She was sitting in homeroom telling her friends Becca about what happened. Juliet's started to tear up. Kenny, one of their friends who sat behind them came up to the two girls. He asked Juliet if Becca was making her cry. Before Juliet could say anything he turned to Becca and told her that it's not nice to make people cry. Juliet told Kenny that it wasn't because of Becca. She thanked Kenny because he made her laugh. Becca was even laughing.

Then homeroom got quiet all of a sudden like it normally does for no reason. So Juliet decided to yell 'awkward silence!', Becca and her started laughing.

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