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John's POV

Sherlock had been acting odd these past few days. I mean, true silence and his not eating was fairly normal. But he usually gave in when I asked him to eat and was only like this when he was trying to solve a case. As far as I knew, there were no new cases, so why on Earth was he acting so strange? Maybe he was just going through another one of his moods, maybe just frustrated at the lack of cases.
It didn't help that my date for tonight, Jess, had canceled on me. They always have to cancel last minute, don't they? And I'm left with Sherlock, who's decided to be an absolute ass and now I'm left sitting an awkward silence between this waitress and me.
I glanced down at her name tag, it read 'Samantha.' I knew I should say something, but what? Finally she broke the silence.
"So... Do you want to order now or...?". She asked slowly.
"I should probably wait for him," I said, "I swear to God he's like a toddler sometimes!" I added, trying to break the tension. It worked, thankfully.
"I get it," She replied, laughing as well, "Is he your boyfriend?"
I felt my face turn red. "Oh no! God no, I mean... we're not... It's not like... He's not... And even if... I'm not gay!" I stuttered, exasperated.
"Oh I see how it is." She said smiling, "Hey, by the way, take care of him though, you know, keep an eye on him." She said this as if she was using a code word or something.
"What? Why?" I asked, confused, "I mean, I know he can immature sometimes, but I'm pretty sure he's​ not actually a toddler." I added jokingly.
"It seems your blind to quite a lot of things," She said, her smile returning a bit, "I'll check back a bit later to see if your ready." With that, she turned and walked away, leaving me utterly confused.
I didn't have much time to think about her words because just then Sherlock swooped back into his seat.
"Sorry about that." He said, picking up the menu.
"Its fine." I mumbled, "Hey, why did that woman just tell me to keep an eye on you?" I asked.
He paled and a blank, almost scared expression fell upon his face for half a second before he regained his composure. "No clue." He said.
Now that was definitely odd. Sherlock Holmes, admitting he didn't know something? Now that certainly wasn't something that happened often, or at all really.
Well, whatever was bothering Sherlock probably wasn't too big of a deal. Yet again, facing phycopathic murders on a regular basis made most things seem small now. It probably the whole drug thing again. He'd been clean for several months now and wasn't showing any other signs of it drug use. Anyways, if that was the case, Mycroft would probably have already notified me or taken care of it. He was probably just in a bad mood.
Honestly, all I wanted to do was finish the meal and go home to our cozy flat so I could go to sleep. But of course, something always has to happen, like the waitress advice. What on Earth did she mean about me being blind? Or watching out for Sherlock? I sighed, it didn't matter right I supposed, it could wait.

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