Update Number... Three

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Hey! I just posted a chapter before this so read that first! So I, a person who is still attending school, am about to rejoin the world of hell and shitty curriculums in about two weeks. Aka, school starts for me again on the 16th... Or maybe the 15... I don't remember. Somewhere around there.
Anyways! This means I won't be able to write as often as I do right now. Which isn't very often as you can tell by my only 11 chapters IN OVER A FUCKING YEAR!  *cough* So, I think a deadline might be a good idea. So what day is a good day to update? I'll update in whatever day you guys want every other week.
If you guys like my writing style in general I have a book of poems that I update more regularly because poetry comes easier to me than actual stories. Thank you so, so much for the few readers that continue to read my bad writing even through writer's block and radio silence from me. It means the world to me! 😁😁💙💙

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