The Dragon Of Light and The Dragon Of Darkness

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Dravis rotated his city sized head as his massive talons tore apart the clouds in the sky. With each wing beat, a massive hurricane of wind blew into the city below. Mikoto fell to her knees, absolutely riddled with fear.

Due to Dravis's nature, all dragons and Dragon Borns had a natural instinctual fear of Dravis. In fact, according to Markarov, it was a wonder that Mikoto didn't faint in the evil dragon's presence.

"This isn't what was supposed to happen!' said Hades his face contorted in rage. "YOU BASTARD DRAVIS!! YOU WERE ALREADY WAITING ON THE OTHER SIDE WEREN'T YOU!!!!???"

Dravis gave a laugh that could be heard for miles. How Dravis could see and hear specs so much smaller and insignificant then himself, Mikoto could comprehend.

"Foolish mortal." said Dravis scoffing. "I have been watching you from the very beginning....not even Aleister Crowley...curse him...could have predicted my I shall rule this world...AND NONE SHALL STOP ME!!!!!"

"This is impossible.." murmured Touma with a shocked expression on his face. "Just how big is that thing!?"

"Not good....Not good at all!!" said Natsu gritting his teeth."

Dravis laughed. "Why hello their.....Fledgling Dragon....."

No! Mikoto screamed in her head as she began to quiver with even more fear then she had ever felt in her life. He sees me! HE SEES ME!!

Mikoto could feel her dragon instincts bellowing at her to run and hide, to stick her head in the ground and never come back up even for air.

"I see that you have grown stronger since our last encounter...." said Dravis. "But now, that all means nothing.... I have the key to unlocking the second half of the Prophecy that dwells within girl who holds the forbidden texts........None can stop me!!"

He's right....Mikoto could hear her mind accepting the harsh reality of the situation.....All is lost.......

Suddenly Mikoto felt a hand touch her shoulder. Mikoto looked up to find a girl in a pink frilly dress with long wavy blonde hair and wing-like adornments on her head.

"It's okay to be afraid..." said the girl with a kind smile at Mikoto. "But that doesn't mean you should give up."

"Who are you?" Mikoto asked her fear seeming to dissapear with the girl's touch.

"My name is Mavis Vermilion." said Mavis kindly. "I used to be the Guild Master of Fairy Tail before Purehito took over for me."

"You're Mavis!?" said Mikoto with amazement. "But you're supposed to be..."

"Dead?" Mavis finished shrugging her shoulders. "I'm actually a ghost you see. In fact the only ones who can see me are the ones who bear the guildmark upon themselves."

"Why are you here?"

"Well isn't that obvious?" said Mavis cheerfully. "I'm here to help you wipe away the darkness."

Mavis took out a strange looking sword. On the golden hilt was the red mark of Fairy Tail. Mavis put the hilt of the sword into Mikoto's hand.

"What is this?" said Mikoto looking at the sword in awe.

"It has a long history that even preceeds that of the guild's existance." said Mavis. "It's name is Oberon."

"The Fairy King..." said Mikoto surprised that she remembered they myth related to the name. "How's this supposed to help?"

"It will give you the strength to hold back Dravis......." said Mavis. "But just this once."

Mavis waved her hand over the sword. Immediately the sword began to glow with a radiant light as Mikoto began to feel herself change. She looked down at her arms to find that they were becoming covered with golden scales......then there was a burst of brilliant light.........and Mikoto became Light......and Light became her..."

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 2: DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now