I Got Your Back

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The Kim couple stood lifelessly beside each other as they stare at their daughter's tombstone, everyone is leaving even Devan Hwang who had minor injures cause by Sooyoung whose nowhere to found. No one dares to talk, Taeyeon's hearts is still with Sooyoung's hand but he's grateful with the spare soul that his wife gave to her for the mean time, he glance at Tiffany who keeps her head hang low and eyes full of tears, he slowly wipes the tears attempting to fall again and the latter hold his hands and press firmly at her already swollen cheeks.

"O-Our d-daughters is gone.... J-Jessi is gone...." Tiffany whispers but still heard by her husband.

"N-No, she's now watching over us. She's with us." Taeyeon soothed her by his words.

"Jessi wants us to bring her to Underworld when I found you but...."

"She understand, she always understand. Please don't cry or else I'll kiss you here and there." Taeyeeon pointed at her sweet spot which is her neck and collarbone made Tiffany chuckle a bit.

"You, byuntae!" His wife slap him at his right arm.

"But you still love this byuntae." Taeyeon trying to break the sadness.

"I'll revenge our daughter's death." Taeyeon turned his mood into 180 degrees and seriously look at his wife.

"I always got at your back." Tiffany hugging her husband makes all of her pain and burden fades.


Sooyoung followed Irene for almost 2 days but he see no traces of her but only hollows passing by, he's wandering around with a weapon on his hand before something or someone caught his attention to make his anger grew wilder.

"YOU PAY FOR KILLING MY DAUGHTER, IRENE!!!!" He yelled before he swing his sword towards Irene whose standing not far away from him but useless because she has an invisible shield made with souls.

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