Am I Worthless?

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Tiffany spends her day beside her little daughter whose diagnosed in coma and no one knows when will she wake up even all of the professional doctors were trying their best to treats her regarding her condition but no one could help the Kim's. Taeyeon whose always drunk at night and didn't pay a single visit on her daughter after his unsuccessful operation because he felt so lost and worthless, that's what he called himself like a mantra on his head, he's a worthless piece of shit for being so irresponsible and careless father but her wife doesn't blame him because she understood his situation and instead Tiffany blames herself for not being a good mother and always busy on her job as a grim reaper and that was still remain hidden to her husband. She suffers depression and insomnia at the same time, she stopped communicating and picking up calls from her missions from the underworld and filing for a leave that Devan, her father understand, sometimes he visited her grand daughter at least once a week and what angers his most was Taeyeon being an asshole for not watching over his own child whose almost lifeless that they see him from the time he leaves the day after he handle Jessica's operation until now, he's nowhere to be seen even Tiffany had no idea his whereabouts.

"Where's that bastard husband of yours??!!" Devan fuels in anger when another day came and Taeyeon haven't visit nor see her wife even Jessica whose still sleeping.

"Dad, let him be, he's in pain as well." Tiffany defended her husband made Devan more pissed.

"But, at least visit her wife if he had no heart to see her helpless daughter in bed." Devan scoffed.

"He's totally hurt, seeing your daughter almost dying in your arms and there's nothing you can do to help her to survive, it's totally killing him as well too." Tiffany added with tears in her eyes.

"S-Sorry, my daughter." Devan felt sorry for accusing Taeyeon as irresponsible father after what Tiffany said to him, he realized that it also pains him a lot more than him or his wife because he saw Jessica dying with his very own eyes.

"I'm sorry too, Dad but I know my husband felt so I try to give him space for awhile because he needs it, he always sending me at least a short message to take care of myself and Jessica so I still thankful to him." Tiffany explained with affection, how her husband still watching over her and their daughter.

"I will be going now and I forgot to tell you that Wendy is also filing her leave to find Irene who also don't showed up after Jessica's accident." Devan informed.

"Is she the one who assigned to be Jessica's reaper that day?" Tiffany speculate made Devan think for awhile.

"Oh, right? She receive a the death card from Stynx, I think so too." Devan said before he send himself off from the room leaving Tiffany.

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