Is That Geo?

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We stood outside when the other people got let in for the soundcheck. It was so cold, like SO COLD. We would go to take pictures and our hands would actually be tomato red. We were all standing there shaking. My friend at that point was getting nervous because Geo's flight was cancelled the night before and the next flight was around 6am. All of the sudden some high pitched voice murmured "Geo" everyone's head shifted to there left and saw geo walking in with his army print jacket, his green hat and his suitcase. He just grinned and waved. Once the door shut that gave everyone this telepathic cue to scream. As Geo was walking my friend was jumping up and down screeching. They eventually let the "meet and greet" passes in. Around 10 people went in and then they gated up off again. They opened the gate and my heart butterflied. I stepped over the metal gate rod and turned into the door. The man checked my ticket. Nodded and I started to walk down flights and flights of stairs. They looked new. Unpainted yellowish wood. I could hear the beat of music. Pomscon. I jumped off the last because, you know that me. I started walking really fast. I whipped my coat to the ground, but Taryn decided she had to take soooo long to take off her coat. Baby by Justin Bieber starts to play. Breathe. Alright lets have the time of my life.
Im getting so emo writing this.
~ J; Mrs.Selman🥀

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