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I have a recording of Mercy but I have no way to insert it, sigh

He walked out. My friend actually had to keep me stable by holding me by my arms. By this point I was really crying. My friend could barley see the tears cause of how dark it was in the audience.

Cat came out and they played a game. They tried to see who could guess the song the fastest, to win a pop socket. Now that I think about it. I really really REALLY want one. Anyways. Cat left and.. he started to sing. Oh my lord. I think I actually almost died. It was
you have not a clue unless you really experienced it with him. After he finished Mercy. He sang "Closer" his best singers would get a pop socket. After he walked off all that was left was 99goonsquad. And then, I get to meet them.

The projector appears to be playing a video. It was a intro. Telling us to scream and yadayadayada you understand its hard to explain. They ran out with huge white flags imprinted in bold black letter "99goonsquad" Im pretty sure, but do not quote me on that. They had an awesome Dj entertainment. It was lit. My friend beside was dying for Julian to touch her hand because Jovani had already touched mine and you know she wants Julian...
When he touched her hand. She kissed it so much. I was laughing, so hard, I practically fell on the ground.

One of the people that worked with poms said that the meet and greet was canceled and me being very logical . I said. "No, because you will have too give me my money back" and they just told us too move up off the crowd area so that they could put down all the pomscon signs.

I felt so sick in the meet and greet line I thought I was actually going to puke right then and there. I was so so so so nervous. I'm about to meet the boy who saved my life. I ran to the bathroom, realizing that I am completely fine. I just have very bad anxiety. • I was diagnosed with it at the age of five :( • and I got back in line and my friend and I were just in lala land and all lf the sudden she said "Jaden. There is 5 more people till us" My heart dropped
Wanna found out what happens with me and Mario. More so Mario and my moms conversation... I am not to happy about that..
~J; Mrs.Selman🌺

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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