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I heard the song blazing in my head. Every girl was screaming "BABY" at the top of there lungs. It was, amazing. All these people, these girls. We all share the same interests. I felt like I finally fit in somewhere. Case hacked a few people's snapchats and then he went off the stage.

Music played in between performances.

Nikki Rechtzaid came on. She is so pretty. Ugh. She played a game to see who was the best dancer. Even if you didnt win, you still got a prize. She said she wanted to show us a different side to her besides singing. She threw out bracelets and I caught one. It says "Nikki Rechtzaid" on one side and on the other side it says "Hot Spicy Girl". She went of the stage

*Music Plays Again*

Geo come out and the screaming. Oh my gosh. I heard screaming at a Shawn Mendes Concert. Everyone was pushing, trying to get up there and see Geo. He played a game "Kill, Kiss Or Marry" The funniest part was when someone chose Loren, he would ignore and go to another person. Then he was singing to a spanish song called "hehsgsjagshsg" and then he wanted to see which side could scream louder. Wow. It was so loud I was like shaking when everyone screamed.

Music Plays

All of the sudden the lights dimmed down and A video appeared on the stage screen. Jonas. ( as I am writing this, Jonas reminds me of "Jonas" from the book "the giver") he did this intro thing about Stay beautiful or something along those lines. Then he came out and again, everyone went crazy! He then chose people to come up and dance with him ( Juju On That Beat) and he uhh chose me. And then I said "no" cause I was really nervous. Like Terrified. Then He said stay beautiful and went of the stage.

That very instant I knew who was coming out and my heart dropped. I started to tear up and I looked at my friend pulled my device out and started to record.

Formation Starts To Play

I start crying, More than usual😂

He starts to speak. That's..

Mario Selman


Hehe. Writing this chapter made me cry. I miss poms so much. My friend just sent out a letter to Mario about me and she will not let me read it. Now I wonder what is inside? The next chapter is Mario (Duh!) and 99Goonsquads performance.
~J; Mrs.Selman🌿

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