145. JB

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Yes, I'm alive and still breathing Lights! 😂😂😂

@shinee_for_life sorry babe I only write one imagine for you but Yugyeom's in here ✌️✌️ and I promise you'll eventually ask 'when is this ending?' coz this was such a loooonng imagine with 2,953 words 😵😝😗


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"Y'know it'll be really convenient if we both have jobs," you say still trying to convince him to let you work.

Jaebeom has always been viewed himself as the provider ever since you started dating. A man will always be the breadwinner in the family that is his perspective.

However, his perspective has always been provoked by you. You graduated and had your college diploma to not just to sit around and wait for your husband to come home. That wasn't what you planned, and that's not going to happen any further.

You considered his decision because you wanted to try being a housewife for a few months and since you got no response from any of the companies you applied.

Jaebeom was pleased with that decision. He would always come home straight from work knowing what awaits him at home, you and good food.

"Why is it so important for you to get a job, Phoenix?"

With the sound of your name and the fact that he wasn't calling you in your nickname, you know he was irritated... like you stepped on his pride, pursuing this topic again.

You reached out to hold his face, your finger tracing his furrowed brows at the attempt to straighten it. "Self-worth, Jaebeom-ah. Just that, I'm asking of you."

His facial features softened. And you know, you just won against him but that doesn't mean he won't have any conditions upon this request.

Your first week at work was better than you imagined. People were all friendly and welcomed you as if you were already a workmate who came back from vacation leave.

"How's work?" He would ask while driving home. And you would start babbling almost everything that happened even the uneventful ones in the office like a little girl to his father.

"Oh, I talked too much again," you noticed to yourself and he just smiled. "When I get my first pay next week, let's go for a date. My treat."

He smiled, eyes glancing to your side then back to the road, "I'm not letting you pay, babe."

You purred playfully, "How did you become so cool, oppa?"

"I've always been cool."

You received your paycheck on Friday the next two weeks and you spent to buy yourself a dress from it, it was definitely Jaebeom's idea. You deserve a self-reward from your hard work just like he said.

"It still feels weird whenever we go out on dates like this," you said and he reflex asked why. "Well, you needn't to wait for me at the porch of my house and then send me home after just like before."

"And we can't do those things, right?" He smirked mischievously at his add up.

Covering your mouth, you mumbled, "Ya, Im Jaebeom!" Before covering your whole face because of embarrassment.

He playfully tugged your hand to see your face in beet red, "You look like you're going to explode any minute now, babe." He laughed triumphantly.

You smack his thigh knowing it'll be dangerous to smack him on his shoulder when he was driving. He has done that before, steering the wheel as if he was out of control for five seconds and you readied yourself for collision but all you heard was laughter.

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