55. JB

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"Got you" Jaebum says beside you and snatches your books from your grasp.

"Yah!" you protested, taking your right earphone off.

He smiles broadly, "I'll help you with these" you roll your eyes at him and walk further and he catches up. "Aren't you going to answer me still?"

You sent dagger stares at him, "Thanks for the unneeded help"

"You are always welcome, jagiya... bye, see you later" he said and walked to his own class.

Your friend went to you, tsk-ing. "Aigoo... is that famous campus hottie really into on courting you?"

"I don't know" you just shrugged your shoulders and sat on your chair. "Anyway, what do you think? Is he serious or not?"

"I can't really read him though. You know guys? They are mysterious or often pretending to be one" she then went to your ear. "I know you like him though"

Before you could even react, your Chemistry teacher came in.

"Do you really like him?" you ask once again, talking to your own reflection. "Whaaah!!! That girl makes me confuse! Or... maybe him? Aigoooo... Both make me confuse!!" you ruffle your newly-blow dried hair.


Today seems so busy... all buses routed to your school are all full but still you waited patiently.

Until it's already 10 minutes before the school bell rang, "I'll be so so late no----w"

Jaebum pulls his motorcycle in front of you, pulling his helmet up. "Hop on or we'll both be late" he hands you a blue helmet.

You didn't hesitate to hop on and hold onto his waist for safety. He smirked. Guessing this, you slapped his tummy and he yelped softly. "Don't overspeed"

The two of you arrive at school on time, thanks for Jaebum's known shortcuts. "Thanks" you say as you got off from his motorcycle and took off his helmet.

"Always welcome jagi" you walked away from him, feeling your face warming up and heart pounding in your chest.

You run towards the restroom, slapping five times your face lightly. "Don't blush..." you shift your attention to your chest, "And mostly don't pound"


'I want you to meet me at the rooftop during your History class...' says on the front page of the sticky note, pasted on your locker. But another note was written at the back page, 'If you don't then, I'll get to skip my class and my next classes'

"Aaaiii... that kid really is stubborn" you hissed, crumpling the paper.

Your History class ends but still you didn't go to see him. But during your Literatire class, you had to go out for restroom and glanced on his class. "He really did skip" you mumbled.

After doing your thing, you decided to just check on him at the rooftop.

"Oh!!! Good you're here" Jaebum says being all smiley.

You looked at him plainly, "This is not a big deal though. I just want you to answer me"

You took off one piece of your earphones, "I want you to date me... if you don't answer then I'll certainly jump off from here" he said while bending to the side, challenging you.

"Do what you want, babo" you mumble and turn your back at him, exiting the rooftop.

"Geurae... just walk awaaaaaaay!!!" he slipped his feet from the edge of the rooftop and screamed.

You directly went back to the rooftop and checked him, "Jaebum?" you called.

"________!!!" he called, "Help!"

You went to the edge and saw him clinging to a bar, "Oh my gosssh... Eotteokhae? I---I'll call---"

"______!" Jaebum cries your name out when his sweaty palms cause his grip to loosen.

"Here... grab unto my arm" you said, reaching your arm for him.

After a while, you pulled him to safety. Both of you are panting real hard, "Thanks" he manages to say.

"Don't you do that again, babo" you say, sitting up.

"I won't if you'll date me" you turned to him surprised. "What? If you date me then this won't happen ever again... but then if you won't---"

"Okay... fine, I'll date you" you interrupt him; rolling your eyes.

In a fast reflex, he sits up to embrace you. "Jinjja?"

You nod in his hug, "Just don't ever do that stupid thing again, babo"

He breaks the hug, smirking. "Then my charm really work on you"

"Let's say... maybe yes or no?" you tilt your head. "But on the first hand, you were the first to bait in my charms"

Jaebum smiles widely, showing an eye smile before cupping your face.

But before your lips can attach each other, you put your index and middle finger in between them. "No kisses first" you smiled at him.

"Ohhh" was all he could say and turned away.

You smiled and kissed him on the cheek instead before leaving him dumbfounded.

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