54. Bambam <#30 sequel>

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"To all the graduates of this university... I am so proud of you. I hope to see you soon in uniforms or in positions of your desired career. May God bless us all" the dean ended his speech, soon the graduation ceremony ended also.

"So what is your mom's gift?" Trixia asked you.

You smiled widely but playfully, "A trip to Seoul!! In two weeks!!" you beamed.

"Oh gosssh... you are so lucky then. Ugh!!! I want to see JB!" Trisha cries.

You pulled out something from your bag, "Here!!" and waved these to them. "I've got you tickets! We are going there all together!"

"Really?" the twin chants in unison then their shoulders slump suddenly. "Wouldn't your family spend too much for our trip?" Trixia frowns.

"Auntie actually bought that with my mom then she decided to let mom keep it. She wanted to surprise you both" you told them.


"SEOOOOUUUULLL!!!" the three of you chanted together.

"A room for three, please" you told the attendant while the two are busy wandering their eyes around the ground floor of the hotel.

The three of you entered your room and immediately took out each of your phones to search any guesting of GOT7, whom you all miss so much.

Well before of your graduation, you don't have time to spazz around your most favorite group since you have to focus in your studies first.

"Kyaaa~! A showcase this coming Tuesday then a fansigning event the next day!" you all beamed in unison. "Yaaay!!!"


The venue was a screaming mess as all IGOT7s are so excited and high to see the group.

Then an unknown but super catchy song played, "Hajima~ haji haji haji hajima~"

Soon the seven boys stood on stage, wearing black leather jackets and pants with matching golden necklaces.

They started dancing and singing and the song was daebak! It showed their cute and sexy image altogether.

Then it's Bambam's rap part finally, he raps perfectly and spots you. "Geureoke manhi dareuni" he winks at you and gives you a flying kiss before going back to his position for the dance.

"Hana dul set" JB says.

"Come and get it, GOT7. Annyeonghaseyo, GOT7-imnida" they all say together with their famous hand-7 sign.

"Ahgasae!!!! I miss you so much!!!" Jackson says in his sexy english while waving frantically to everyone.

"It's been a while since we made a showcase for you, who is enjoying so far?" JB asks everyone and all say me.


"Please fall in line properly" the bouncer says in both Korean and English.

"Bambam~!" you cooed and he turned to you, waving.

After a while, you finally reached their table. Mark is the first to entertain you, "Annyeong, Mark"

"Oh... Myra! Long time, no see" he says and you hand him your GOT7 photobook. "What would you like me to put?"

"Yea... long time, no see. Uhmm... of course a signature... and stars!"

"Done!" he says and hands you back the photobook.

Then JB, Yugyeom, Jr... Bambam. "Annyeong noona~!" he says, showing an irresistible aegyo. "I saw you yesterday at the showcase"

You smiled, "Stop Stop It is so wonderful... I wish you a lot of rap part though" you hand him the photobook.

He scribbled a lot of hearts on your photobook and then turned to the last page, writing something on it. "Bye... See you soon!"


"What did Mark put on your photobook?" you asked Trixia.

"Small and big hearts!" she answered.

"What about you Trish?" you turned to the other twin.

She grins widely, "I like you!!! Oh gosssh... He does like me!!!"

"You? What did Bambam put on yours?" she asks you back.

"Same as Trix... but there is an additional, I got his phone number!!!" you screamed happily.

"OMG!!! Really? I mean can you ask him to give me Mark's/JB's phone number too?" the twins said together.

"Let's see~~" you said in a singsong and went to your bed, calling him.

"Yoboseyo?" a voice said from the other line.

"Hello, Bambam? This is Myra"


"So you are just staying here for two weeks?" Bambam says, eating his cake.

You nodded, "We had to go back to Malaysia because of our family businesses"

"Oh... But can't you just assign another to manage your business?"

You ate the last slice of your cake before answering, "I'm sorry but I promised mom that I'll take in charge of the business when I graduate"

"I'll miss you, noona" he says bluntly.

You smiled, "Me too... But I could go visit here during holidays and well, if you aren't going on tours"

Bambam and you decided to walk around the Seoul streets, "Noona... I like you"

You were frozen at his sudden confession, "Huh?"

"I said I like you... and I want to date you"

You smiled broadly, "I'm very honored to date someone like you" and intertwined your fingers together.

"Really?! So now we are officially dating?!" he asks, excited and glad.

You nodded continuously, humming. "Yea"

He smiles and leans to planted a peck on your forehead. "See you tomorrow"


"You are going to stay here?" Trixia asked.

You nod, "I already told mom about me staying here... she permitted me though"

"I want to stay here too!" Trisha cries, stomping her foot.

"Does Bambam knows this?" Trixia asks while getting their plane tickets and giving Trisha hers.

"I wanted to surprise him" you raise your brows playfully.


"Since when did you get Jackson hyung's number?" Bambam asks you, frowning.

You giggle silently, "Oppa, don't be jealous, okay?" you cup his face. "Aren't you happy that I'll be staying here?"

He presses his lips together, "I'm happy of course... and let me tell you I'm not jealous, okay?"

You looked at him mischievously, "Denial"

"I'm not"


"I'm not, I said"

"Den---" he doesn't let you finish and pecks a kiss. "Yah!!" you say, slapping his chest.

"That's what you get when you tease me" he says and pulls you close, leaning for a now-passionate kiss.

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