(17) Question Me

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Ace threw his head back and laughed uncontrollably.

"Do it again!" he yelled between fits of laughter.

Trixie fought hard to regain self-control before nodding and stuffing the blueberries in her nostrils once again.

Ace toppled on the freshly mowed grass from the hilarity of Trixie's inflated nostrils. She looked like some sort of raging animal.

Trixie followed suit and nearly inhaled the blueberries in the process. She blew them out of her nose, unintentionally sounding like an elephant. Ace again broke into laughter. By now, he was laughing so hard, he wasn't making any noises. Tears were running down his red face and he looked so hilarious Trixie couldn't help but ask, "How could I have ever had sex with you?"

Ace brushed back his shaggy dark hair and wiped the tears off of his face with the back of his hand. He playfully shoved her shoulder and made a pouty face.

"You found me irresistible," he said drawing out the last word with an air of mock seduction.

Trixie grinned and pinched his arm so hard it made him yelp.

She laughed at her wimp of a friend and proceeded to tease him until a loud voice interrupted them.

"You two better be working out there!" shouted Lisbeth.

Ace turned around and squinted at the small plaid clad figure near the house. For such a soft-spoken woman, she really had a voice that carried.

"We are, Mrs. Richards!" Trixie shouted back in her sweet we-only-meant-well voice that she did better than anyone else Ace knew.

Ace grinned at Trixie. It was times like these he was glad that him and Trixie were friends again. When Lisbeth told Ace that a girl from the city came to work for them every weekend, he could hardly believe it was Trixie. For the whole time he had known her, which was the majority of his life, he could never imagine Trixie even visiting a place like this. He couldn't see her hoisting barrels of hay or getting the freshly plowed soil between her OPI Bubble Bath painted fingernails. But then he finally understood, the whole time they were together they barely knew each other at all.

Which is why he was thankful that after only a few days of awkwardness Trixie and him had fallen into the habit of friendship seamlessly. In fact, she was his best friend right now. It was weird, it was almost like this is what they were meant to be the whole time, but they were too stupid to notice it.

But he also didn't know how he could ever think of someone else in the same way after Skye. She consumed his thoughts night and day and he knew that it would be like this for a long time.

Trixie said something then it got silent. Ace realized she had asked him a question while he was lost in his thoughts.

"I'm sorry what?" he said shaking his head, trying to free his mind of the images he had mentally captured of Skye.

"I said do you want to feed the cows first or the chickens," said Trixie, suddenly a very concerned look spread across her sharp features.

"Whatever," replied Ace noncommittally.

Trixie bent her head down to gather her hair into a ponytail. Then she stood up and held her hand out to help Ace. She nearly fell over as pulled her hand down to lift himself up.

It was silent for a brief moment before Trixie stated the obvious.

"You're thinking about her again."

Ace didn't even have to nod. Trixie knew it was true. She- Skye- had been the only thought on his mind these past two weeks. No matter how hard she tried to distract her friend, his mind always wandered back to her.

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