ice skating.

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Another prompt from BBCanimefangirl


"Where are we going?" Anxiety asked for the hunderth time in five minutes.

Five minutes ago, Prince had barged into Anxiety's room and grabbed his hand before dragging him along to who knows where.

Mority had done the same with Logic and was walking next to them.

"I told you, it's a suprise!" Prince said, "now stop asking, we're almost there!"
"Logic?" Anxiety wispered, looking over at the other pour soul that was being dragged along.

"I have no idea" Logic answered, "Morality is the one who dragged me out of my room"

Anxiety groaned and rolled his eyes. Of course. Deciding that if he wasn't going to get an answer, he also wouldn't talk.

After about five minutes filled with silent walking and glares form Anxiety, they stopped.

"Tadaaaa" Prince tada'd and pointed towards....

An Ice Skating rink?

"Wha?" Anxiety frowned, "why?"

"What I believe Anxiety is trying to ask, why did you bring us here?" Logic questioned, a frown on his face as well.

"We're going ice skating!" Morality beamed, "suprise!"

"No" Anxiety said and shook his head for the extra effect, " I am not doing that"

"I'm with Anxiety on the one" Logic agreed, "You two are the only one who can actually ice skate"

"Come one!" Morality whined, "pleaseeeeee? Please please please?"


"I... I suppose I can try?" Logic offered.

"YAS!" Morality yelled and squealed. He grabbed Logic's arm and dragging him towards the rink, making a pair of skates appears and handing them over to the other trait.

"Anxiety?" Roman asked and made his best puppy eyes, "will you please just try it too?"

"I don't, I mean... I" Anxiety sighed and rubbed his neck, "it's sweet that you guys wanted to something together, but I cant even skate."

"It's okay, you uh.. you can just stay by the edge and hold on to that!" Prince said, proud of himself for thinking of that amazing idea,"And I'll help you, promise! Just like Morality is helping Logic!"

Anxiety but his lip and looked over to the rink.

Morality was on skates and easily made his way onto the ice, flawlessly skating one round before returning to Logic to help him, a goofy grin one his face.

"Mghu" Anxiety groaned and looked back at Prince, "FInE

"Yes!" Prince yelled, fist bumping the air. He dragged Anxiety along and made ice skated appear, one pair for himself, one for Anxiety, "here"

How did he know Anxiety's foot size?
Well they are the same guy....
"Thanks" Anxiety said and accepted the skated, kicking off his shoes.
Stepping into the skates, he fidgeted with the laces, trying to actually tie them, instead of putting them in his shoes like he'd usually do.

Scowling, Anxiety tried again, but only managed to make a messy knot, with his fingers stuck in it,
"Come on!"

"Are you... doing okay?" Prince asked, trying to hold his laugh. He of course, had put the skates on in mere seconds. The answer was a simple nod from the other,
"You sure?"

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