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A short idea my friend gave me, after scaring the crap outta me.

In which Anxiety has his headphones.


Anxiety sighed in content as 'I'm not okay (I promise)' blasted through his headphones, Volume raised as high as could be.

He was having a bad day today and just wanted to escape everything for a few moments.

He wished he could just curl up in bed burried beneath his seven blankets and stay there forever.

However, When his stomach protested, Anxiety was reminded that he had been locked up in his room all day and thus hadn't eaten anything yet.

Groaning in misery, he curled out of pile of blankets and made his way to the kitchen, pulling his hood up, so that if he would run into someone, they wouldn't complain about his headphones.


Prince muttered angry words to himself as he made his way to the kitchen.

Today had not been his day.
At first, he had somehow managed to let the teapot explode,
Then he lost his favorite hoodie by spilling food all over it.
And when he had wanted to rant about it to Logic he had been tokd to shut up, because Morality was sleeping.

Overall, Prince was in a bad mood and he needed to rant to someone.

Arriving in the kitchen, he saw that Anxiety was making himself a sandwich, his signature hood pulled up

Perfect, Prince could talk to him!

"Anxiety!" Prince exclaimed taking a seat at the kitchen table, " I am glad you're here, I need to talk to someone"

Anxiety hummed something, Prince assumed it was in agreement,
Anxiety must be in a good mood.

"You will not believe how much bad luck I have had today" Prince groaned, "I managed to let something explode, without touching it might I say. One of my only hoodies got ruined, because I spilled food on it, I didn't even mean to! You know I only have a few hoodies and I love them all dearly! Fairy godmother gave them to me! And when I tried to talk to Logic, he told me shut up, because Morality was sleeping! I wasn't even being that loud, you know"

And that's how it went on for a minute or two, Prince complaining about everything that eas troubling his life today, and Anxiety softly humming something from time to time.

"Thank you Anxiety" Prince sighed, getting up from his chair, "that really helped"
He placed an hand on Anxiety's shoulder, as a sign he truly was gratefull.

And that's when it happened.

Anxiety let out a banshee shriek and jumped, managing to kick prince's leg while doing so,
"MOTHER OF FREICKING GODS" Anxiety put his heaphones on his shoulders, his breathing was fast and hard and he only now say Prince,
"Why would you do that?!?!"

"dear disney" Prince cursed, hokding his now sore leg, "you can kick"

"Of course I can, it's your own fault!" Anxiety snapped, "you scared the crap out of me!"

"I did?" Prince questioned, "I've been here for almost five minutes talking to you!  You. Kicked. Me"

"I was listening to my music, making myself food!" Anxiety defended himself, "you should ask someone if they can hear you first! Not just talk like an idiot!"

"Yeah, wel!..." Prince bit his lip, not knowing what to say, "my leg hurts now"

"Sit down" Anxiety sighed, "I'll get you a ice-pack"

Doing as told, Prince sat back down and accepted the ice-pack Anxiety offered.
"Thank you"

"No problem" Anxiety mumbled, "for what it's worth, I'm sorry for kicking you"

"Now worries" Prince chuckled, "I should've known you were listening to music."

An awkward silence fell between the two, neither knew what to say, till Prince just said what was on his mind,

"You scream like a girl, you know"

"Shut up!"

"You do!"

"Don't make me kick you again"


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