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"I'll do it for a favor from each of you." they all complied without question as to have something to do for the night.

As soon as you stepped outside the dining hall, you let your fake smile disappear. There was no real way for you to be happy in this world. Not with the life you were living at least. You started walking toward the bunks letting your mind wander.

"Why couldn't I have been there to save them? I just wasted my time looking for Marco when he was dead. I could've spent that time being with Maya. Why didn't they tell me that there was no hope looking for him. I know who to blame now."

You reached the bunks and stepped inside. Looking around you saw what you wanted. One of Ymir's knives.

"Perfect." you mumbled to yourself.

You grabbed the knife and walked out of the bunk, only to run into Jean. "This timing is just the best." You thought with a devilish smile.

"Oh, [y/n]. What are you doing out here? I thought you were gonna go to sle- AHHH." is what he said as you drove the knife into his abdomen. Specifically his liver, causing blood to spray out all over you as he fell to his knees.

You looked him in the eye as you put your free finger up to his lips. "Shhh. We can't have someone knowing about this now can we? After all, this is what you get for making waste my time looking for your dead boyfriend when I could have kept my sister alive." you said with soulless eyes and an empty but insane voice.

"W-what do you m-mean? I don't know what you're talking abo- AHHH!"

"What did I just say about being loud? I guess your small horse brain can't comprehend simple orders. Tragic." you said while pushing the knife further and twisting.

"[y/n], what's wrong with you? You're insane!" Jean yelled as more blood started to flow out of the wound.

You smiled softly as you looked down at your friend that you were slowly killing.

"Don't act so surprised, Jean. You should've told me not to look for Marco. It's like you had a feeling that it would end up the way it did. So I think it's only fair to-" you stopped your train of thought as you heard multiple people walking near.

You looked down, only to see what you had done to your friend. He was a bloody mess and was staring at you like the monster you had become. Suddenly your tears started flowing down your face.

"O-oh my god. W-what did I do?" you said with your voice cracking. "Jean, I-I don't know what c-came over me!" you were full on crying at this point as you took the knife out of your friend. "P-please don't die. I didn't w-want this. I-I'm sorry!" you screamed as you fell to your knees hugging him.

"N-no it's fine. I probably did deserve this. Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if you were right. We should've stopped you, but we didn't know what the right choice was. Don't worry, I forgive you."

You stared at him as you started hearing screaming. "[Y/N]! JEAN! STOP! WHAT HAPPENED?!"

You were too focused on holding the knife up to your throat to figure out who had screamed to stop. But by then it was too late.

Your body slumped down onto Jean's lap, bleeding out your neck. Your last words being "I'm sorry to all I hurt."

Armin came running over to where the two of you were sitting. "Jean! [y/n]! What happened!?"

"Don't worry about that and make sure she's okay!"

"S-she's already gone. There's nothing we can do besides help you." Armin said as he tried not to believe what just happened.

"What!? No there's gotta be someway to help her!"

"Jean, [y/n] is gone. The only thing that we can do is get you help."

Jean stared at Armin in disbelief at his words. Armin walked closer to take your body off of Jean and set you on the ground next to him. Once he did that he tore a piece of his shirt off and wrapped it around the bleeding area, crying silently the entire time.

"I'll go get someone to help." is all he said after.

Armin walked into the castle looking for anyone that could help, but ended up in a full on sprint looking for Hanji and Levi. Once he reached Levi's office he didn't bother waiting for an answer after he knocked.

"Captain! Please help!"

"What is it?" he replied sounding partially annoyed.

"It's Jean and [y/n]! Please they need help!"

"Okay, okay. Show me where they are." he said getting up and following Armin as he ran outside.

"Oh God. What happened?" was all Levi could manage to say. Armin couldn't handle what had happened anymore and fell down next to Levi and started crying.

"Arlert, right now isn't the time for this. I need you to go get Hanji then explain to me what happened."

Armin nodded as he got up and ran to Hanji's office.

-time skip to next morning-

Nobody's POV

"Arlert still hasn't come out yet?" Levi asked Eren as he closed the door to the boys bunks.

"No and he still hasn't said anything about last night. Speaking of that, where's [y/n] and horse face?"

All Levi could do was remain quiet. He and Hanji both promised to tell Erwin but not to let anyone else know. Jean had agreed to as to not let [y/n] have a bad reputation. Even after she died.

"I take it you don't want to talk about it."

"Yeah. Let's not." "I've lost enough people I care about. I don't want to somehow lose more." Levi wanted to scream but kept quiet as usual.

Eren nodded as he and Levi walked to the infirmary to meet up with Hanji.

Armin sat on his bed looking out the window, wondering if there was anything he could've done to help [y/n]. Out of nowhere a giant bird, probably a falcon, came down and sat on the window sill. It had soft looking [h/c] feathers and brilliant [e/c] eyes. It was also carrying a rose in its talons.

"Huh, it's kinda funny, ya know." he said talking to the giant bird. "You remind me of someone that I knew. Remind me a lot actually. Your feathers and eyes match her hair and eyes." his eyes fell on the red flower the bird held. "You're even carrying her favorite flower." he said as he got up and made his way over to the window.

The bird didn't flinch at his touch, but leaned into it. It let go of the rose in its talons and motioned for the blonde boy to grab it.

Smiling he said "It might be selfish, but I think I'm gonna keep you as my own." as he picked up the flower and examined it.

One thing he noticed was how it lacked thorns. Then he thought of something. Only he and [y/n] knew where to find roses without thorns, and it was no easy task to get them. He couldn't help but let a few tears fall as he stared at the bird.

"Falcons were always her favorite bird, and since you look so much like her, I think I'm gonna call you [y/n]."

You kept your promise of watching over him on the next expedition and all the missions to come.

It's Not Your Fault- Armin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now