Undeniable [3]

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Chapter Three (EDITED)

Connors P.O.V.

One of my best friends just came out of the closet, and I handled it so well.

How did I do that? I've never had to deal with stuff like that before. But I handled it so well.

Who would have guessed that I had something like that in me.

Now to go be with Tyler and film a few collabs.

I grab my camera, and everything that goes with it, and head downstairs.

"Where you going?" JC asks through a mouthful of food.

"I gotta go collab with Tyler, but as for you, you might want to go talk to Kian. He seems pretty upset about Andrea. He might need a friend." I advise JC, as I make my way out the door.


I arrive at Tylers after a ten minute Uber ride, it was too much work to take my own car, so I resulted to an Uber. I get out and walk to his apartment.

I knock on the door, and he is there instantly.

"ConCon!" he says in the normal Tyler Oakley cheery voice he always has, while embracing me in a tight hug.

I hug him, and we sit down on the couch.

Like normal, I don't expect to film for another hour or so. It's been about a month since Tyler and I have been able to talk, so we need to catch up.

"So Tyler, whats up?" I ask him, in a cheery voice.

"Since you asked, I have something to tell. I have a boyfriend!" Tyler giggles over dramatically. It's more of  a cackle than a giggle, but whatever.

"Tyler! Who!?" I exclaim, but it comes out louder than expected.

"Who do you think?" he tells me, like it's supposed to be common knowledge.

I sit and think for a moment, then it clicks.

"Troyler!" I yelp.

Tyler turns away, and blushes profusely.

"Yeah. Troyler. The long distance thing might be hard, but I think I can manage." he says in a small voice.

"It'll work. And not to stray things from you, and your adorable boyfriend, but I need to ask you about a few things." I tell him, trying to sound as subtle as possible.

"Go for it." he tells me.

"Kian came out of the closet today. Only to me though. I didn't know what to think of it, besides that I need accept him, and help him accept himself. I just wanted your perspective on how I should treat this. By the way, you can't tell anyone I told you. Kian would kill me."

"I can assure you, I would never tell a soul. But I think the way you handled it was great, but seeing that you're the only one who knows, you need to be there for him at all times. Also, isn't Kian going out with Andrea?"

"He was going out with Andrea, but they broke up today, and I think that's why Kian became so open about things." I explain.

"It would have helped if you told me that before." Tyler chuckles.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Now enough with my boring life. Lets here more about you and Troye."


*Ricky's P.O.V*

After Kian told me to leave, and Connor left, I decided it was safe to search the house for food.

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