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Vincent's P/O/V

I stopped going to work I just can't take it anymore, I can't take his cruelty. I think I have depression, the reason being is because it's impossible to even get through the day, I struggle to get out of bed each morning and then at night all I do is lay in my bed and stair at the ceiling, I hate this, I hate feeling this because of god damn Scott. I decide finally after 3 days to go back to work, I get out of bed and hop into the shower to try and clean up a bit when I get out I just stand in my bathroom and look into the mirror and at myself. Man do I look like shit I thought aloud while putting my purple hair up and while getting dressed. After I had gotten dressed I grabbed my car keys, my phone, and smokes with a lighter and I lock my front door and get into my car and start it and start heading to the pizzarea, when I get there I see I'm the first one here guess that means I get to open up today, hopefully Mike are Jeremy will have day shift with me and not Scott I don't need him making me feel worse. After I had opened the pizzarea I noticed that Jeremy's car pull up and park next to mine but he didn't get out alone, Scott was with him "shit" I had said aloud as they walked in the door, Scott looked beyond pissed at me "Where have u been!? U have no right to skip work for 3 days!" I look down "just be happy I'm here today ok?" I start to feel the sadness flood my body and I could feel Scotts eyes pierceing my skin like bullets or knives. "S-Scott maybe u should lay off of him?" Scott sighed "fine" he then proceeded to walk away and Jeremy walks over to me "V-Vince I can tell something is wrong, when we go on break wanna talk?" I look at Jeremy and frankly I really need to talk to someone, maybe it'll help plus u can tell this kid anything and if u tell him to keep his mouth closed he keeps it closed "I would like that" I say with a slight smile which feels alien to me since I haven't smiled for quite some time now, he does it back and he then proceeds to walk away.

~Time skip later that day~

Finally it was break time, I hurried outside craving to have a smoke I proceeded to take one out of the box and light it and a few minutes later Jeremy walks out. "What's going on?" Jeremy asked me concerned "Scott, Scott is whats going on, I've had these feelings i-I think I love him, and I can't tell him because I know he'd flat out just say no" jeremys forest green eyes widen in shock and disbelief "are u serious?" I shake my head up and down to say yes "I'll try to talk to him" my eyes widen "no not now at least ok? I'll let u know when ok? I need to get this sadness off of my shoulders first" "what do u mean?" He asks confused "I've felt so sad because I know he'll never feel the same way I do, plus the way he treats me it's j-just so hurtful" I say getting sad "I'll talk to him about not being so mean to u if that's ok?" "Yeah, just don't tell him about this ok?" "Ok" after our conversation ended our break was over and we had to continue our work I put my cigarette out and head back inside with many many thoughts running through my head, "will he love me after all? Or will he hate me even more after this? Will he start being nicer? Or will he stay the same?" All of those thoughts raced through my mind making it very hard to focus on my work.

(Hello everyone so sorry for taking so long to make another chapter but finally I'm out of school on vacation so I'll be able to post more, anyway hope u liked this chapter and I hope u continue to read on and thank u all for ur time and thank u all for reading.)

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