should I?

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Vincent's P\O\V

I drove home that night with many many thoughts racing though my mind. "Should I ask him? should I ask him? should i tell him my feelings?" i sighed slightly irritated because of not knowing what to do, not knowing if he would reject my love, my feelings. oh I just can't take it, i can't fucking take it. I was happy when I got home that night, I walked to my front door and unlocked it and I walk in to be greeted to the smell of something good. I thought to myself "Did Jeremy get me dinner?" I walked into the kitchen where the smell is coming from and it's a plate of home made pizza (don't ask why pizza) and there's a note by it. I picked the note up and started to read it and it reads "Dear Vincent, I decided to get you something for dinner and I hope that you feel better about Scott, I hope you like it. - Jeremy" I can't believe he did this, I sighed and I grabbed a plate and put 2 pieces of the pizza on it and I walked to the living room and I sat on the couch and turned the TV on and began to watch a show that I didn't like but i'm honestly too lazy and tired to change it. After I had finnished eatiing the pizza I cleaned it up and put the left overs in the fridge and I head to my room to start getting ready for bed. I sigh and think aloud "I'm honestly not in the mood to put pajamas on" I ended up just taking my pants off and went to bed. The next morning I awoke to birds chirping and some sun light leaking in from the top of my curtains. I turned over to my nightstand where my phone is and I pick it up and look at it to see if I have any texts and to check Snapchat and instagram. I turned my phone on and I was surprised to see that I got a text from Jeremy, I unlocked my phone to see what he sent me and it reads "hey vincent mind if I come over later today?" I was surprised by his question, "should I say yes or no? I mean it is my day off" I ended up texting back saying "ummm....sure, why do u wanna come over to my home?" A few seconds later I get a reply "I have my reasons, ill come over around 2 ok?" I just replied with an ok and I then put my phone down and I get out of bed and I walk into the kitchen and I grab a few pieces of bread and I put them in the toaster and few minutes later they come out and I eat them

(Sorry guys for not adding onto this ive been busy and I hope u all liked it)

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