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Vincents P/O/V

I've felt a strange feeling ever since Scott has been more and more hurtful towards me, why am I feeling this? what is this feeling? I know what this is, it's sadness or is it guilt? I think it's both, I don't like it. I hate this I want this to end, Scott please stop making me feel this please. I returned to work with those thoughts racing through my head and frankly I didn't bother Scott let alone anyone, I knew Scott was happy or maybe it was just my mind thinking that, I don't know. When my break came along I just went behind the restaurant and had a smoke, and at that moment I think even Scott knew something was wrong cause he followed me, "Vincent whats wrong?" he asked me "Nothings wrong Scott" I replied sadly, after I replied to him all he replied with was a simple "ok" and then he walked in to continue his shift. A few minutes later I finished my cigarette and walked back in, I ignored my hunger and threw my toast away and got back  to work.

*Time skip after Vince gets out of work*

I walked out to my car and got in and started it and backed out of my parking place and drove out onto the open road, as I drove down the empty road I was left to my thoughts and my thoughts alone Why the fuck do I always have to flirt with him? why do I always make people mad at me? many thoughts raced through my mind, they started to get more and more depressing You should just die! No one wants you here! Your nothing but a waist of space! I started to cry and pulled over to the side of the road and I began to cry harder "Why.....Why I wish Scott could feel how I feel right now, I wish he'd just listen to me, I-I wish he'd love me" I turned my car off and then layed my forehead on the stearing wheel and on top of my hands and cried.

(hey guys man its been a long time since I up dated this but hope u liked the chapter)

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