Chapter 7: French Lessons

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The original title of this was literally called,"LAMS is real!!" But I didn't know if you'd guys would want a dedicated LAMS chapter in this universe. If you do comment, and even if just one person wants one, I'll make it. I ended up deleting the chapter. 

  Also this mentions a lemon, but doesn't actually get there. I won't be writing smut for this fanfic. I might hint at it or begin it, but never do that part. Lol!

  "Bonjour," Hercules smiled at Marquis. Marquis giggled and responded with,"Salut, Hercules!" The other guy just blinked. He didn't know what Salut was.

  "Mon amour, puis-je vous apprendre le français afin que nous puissions mieux communiquer?" Marquis said, fastly, with a huge smile.

  Hercules gestured at Alex, who was flirting with Eliza, over to help him. Marquis repeated what he said, and Alex translated it for him.

  "Oui," Hercules responded, fearful and excited. Marquis grabbed his hand and kissed it. "I don't think Marquis realizes this isn't 1780," John laughs, beside Alex.

   The two looked at each other for a moment with a gazing smile, then focuses their attention elsewhere.

   Hercules laughed at Marquis. He didn't want to be in love with another boy, he didn't want to leave home, he didn't want to believe in love. But, he feels like it's too late to turn back. He has fallen for this random french kid, whether people are down with it or not down with it

    "Can I teach you English?" Hercules asked, charmed. Marquis then kissed his cheek. "Oui, tu peux!"


  "Chat," Marquis pointed to a picture of a cat after school. "Chat," he pronounced oddly. Marquis gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Bien, je deviner," he said, half smiling.
Hercules Then shared how he said it. "Cat!" Marquis responded perfectly.

  He flipped to another card. This card read Au Revoir and had a hand waving goodbye on it.

  "Try it," Marquis tried to speak English. "Ew Ruhvoer," he said wrong. Marquis laughed. "D'accord. Vous sont drôle!"

  Hercules smiled, not knowing what he did in the first place to make him laugh. "Ah vooar," Marquis pronounced, smiling. "Au Revoir!" Hercules proudly smiled. Marquis nodded,"Bien! Bien!" His smile was enough to make Hercules faint. So cute!

   Marquis was  leaning in for a mouth kiss.
  A real mouth kiss.
  Their third one actually.
  Hercules didn't move, he just stared.
   What do I do?!
  Marquis grabbed Hercules' hands.
   Hercules tensed.
  He hasn't actually kissed Marquis since he was jealous of his brother.
   Marquis took Hercules' hands and put them on Herc's cheeks along with his own hands.
   Hercules slowly took a deep breath, still unsure of what he should do.
   Marquis then brushed his lips against his.
   Their lips were about to smash, but the door flung open.
   The two still with her mouths almost touching, looked to see Thomas. "Nice," he proudly laughed.

  Hercules and Marquis blushed. "Thomas, it's not what it looks like," Hercules wanted to make sure he didn't think it was.. you know. They were sitting on Hercules' bed in the basement.

  "It's fine! It's fine! I'm just joking," Thomas playfully rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to tell you that my mom made supper," he said. "She even made some for you, French boy," Thomas winked.

  Marquis looked at Hercules confused. The two got up. They were both closely following Thomas. James joined the 2 in following Thomas.

  "Jemmy, hon, I see you!" Thomas turned around and yanked James along with him. He then lifted James up to kiss him, and put him back down. James laughed, blushing.

   They sat down at the kitchen table. Thomas' mom came around the edges of the house and shut the blinds and curtains. "That should do," she then locked the front and back door.

  She dusted off her hands, and followed in. "Howdy y'all! How are me homies?" She asked. "Uh,good?" Thomas responded, confused. His mother had gone crazy recently trying to be hip and cool.

  "Mom, I'll gladly get the silverware," James smiled. He called TJeff's mom Mom because that's what she was like to him.

  Marquis nuzzled Hercules' nose, and Hercules blushed bright red. He didn't want to be doing this in front of everyone.

  The door kicked down. Smoke came through the door, and a figure walked though. Hercules practically puked.


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