Chapter 24: Flashy

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Hercules awoke to the flashing of cameras. "This is going on my wall!" Thomas grinned, trying to tease his boyfriend's brother. James laughed, also taking pictures on his phone.

Marquis woke up and his first reaction was to smack Thomas in the face out of reflexes. Thomas dropped his phone. Quickly, he picked it up. James took the phone from Thomas to look at the pictures. Marquis got up. "We're just going to-" James was going onto his Instagram while Thomas watched from behind him, eagerly awaiting the reaction from Hercules.

Hercules just sighed. "I look good in any picture, so just post it," He tried to make it look like it didn't bother him. "Hey, Hercules. You should be the flower girl at our wedding!" Thomas joked out of nowhere. Hercules looked angry. "Look here, Thomas. The position of the flower girl is nothing to joke about!" He scolded his brother's boyfriend, pointing his pointer finger at him.

James just laughed. He then coughed out of that laugh which led to Thomas putting the inhaler in James' mouth. "It's time to go to school. Get dressed, man." James glared at Thomas as he roughly grabbed the inhaler from his boyfriends' hands and out of his mouth. He then threw Hercules' backpack at him.

   Hercules lazily got up, giving a kiss to Marquis, and grabbing his backpack. Marquis jumped up even though he didn't have to go anywhere. "Hercules, Marquis! I have breakfast for you!" Sarah called in the kitchen.

"Babe, speaking of food. You've been losing a ton of weight lately. Are you eating okay? I mean, you're never hungry. Lately, you've been complaining about how-" Thomas asked him, grabbing his hand. "I'm fine, Thomas," James grinned at him, trying to calm him down.

"Oh, yeah, James! I have something for you," Sarah hollered into the living room. James jumped with surprise. "I told you!" His voice was shaking with excitement as he ran to the kitchen for food.

"Here you go," Sarah handed him a trash bag. "W-wha?" James asked, confused. "You get to go throw the trash away," She gave him a grin. "Where is Ms.Marie?" Hercules was worried about where this conversation was going, so he changed it.

"She's meeting with somebody," That's all she said, as she handed out plates. Thomas just stared at James with a worried expression. They walked out of the room. Marquis watched them leave, confused.

"I am cute," Marquis randomly said, looking at Hercules who was stuffing food into his face. He looked up, puzzled at whatever the heck Marquis was talking about.

"You're..Cute? Well, Duh, Marquis," Hercules slightly chuckled. "C-cute? Je- I- Je- Uh," Marquis was trying to find the right word. "I am feeling the hunger," He pointed his finger to his plate. Hercules tilted his head, confused. "How'd you get cute out of hungry?" Hercules asked. "Je ne pas sais!" He looked really offended. "Gees, calm down, Marquis." Hercules grinned at him. Marquis rolled his eyes with a smile.


Marquis decided to watch Tv in his and Hercules' room. While he was in the room, he noticed his own bag laying against the wall. He only brought that bag to remind him of home. He hardly ever looked at it.

He decided to open it and the first thing he noticed was a picture of him, his mom, and his dad. He suddenly frowned at put his hand over the picture. That's when things were better. That's when he didn't have a father chasing them down.

"Mère?" He hollered as he heard the door shut. He didn't get a response. Marquis made a face of confusion as he slowly hopped down from his bed. He kept low as he snuck down the stairs and against the wall.

"Guys, I think someone's here," the voice said. Marquis froze and slid against the wall onto his bottom, eyes wide open. "What was that?" An unfamiliar voice mentioned. The voice was strong and new.

"It's this random boy," Another unfamiliar man walked in front of him, shining a flashlight in his face. Marquis just stared at him, eyes wide open.

The lights randomly turned on as his father approached him. "Marquis," His father tried to make sure he knew he wasn't going to get hurt. Marquis backed up the steps, quickly, trying to get away from his father. He could've gone faster if he wasn't in shock.

"It's okay, Marie. You'll be-" That's when Marquis ran down the stairs and smacked him in the face. "English? You learned the English?" He practically screamed. "Of course, Marquis, I learned it. It's not my fault you're just an idiot," He crossed his arms.

Marquis pushed him onto the floor and that's when the 2 other men knocked him onto the floor as well. "P-père," he cried. His father stood before him with a smile. "Where's your mother, daughter?" He asked.

"Why daughter? I am a boy," Marquis stood up himself. "Oh, so you can speak a lick of English. Well, daughter, your mother wanted a girl so, she named you Marie. I'm fully aware that you're a boy. However, daughter, you act like a girl!" He screamed.

"Casse-toi!" Marquis hit his father in the stomach, then threw a punch at the guy next to him. Both of them groaned with pain. Marquis looked at the other man, and he flinched. "Foul language, huh? I see you were raised by your mother," he crossed his arms.

    "Non, Père! Vous sont ne pas génial!" Marquis cried. The father took his son's hand. "I know what really happened to your ex boyfriend," He grinned at his son. Marquis' eyes widened. "Non, non!" Marquis screamed. "I'm the one who caused the crash," He grinned.

"Je te tuerai, papa. Je vais ruiner votre vie tout comme vous avez ruiné la nôtre. Il n'a jamais mérité cela. Juste mourir déjà!" Marquis slammed his father onto the ground with rage and the other two men. He quickly ran to the home phone and dialed 911.

Time to use his great English skills.

"Do you have the cookie?" He asked, urgency in his voice. "Cookie? Is this a prank call?" The girl on the other line said. "Sorry, Ma'am. I meant the 911. The dad has come into Il house et hurt moi! I hurt the men back," Marquis said quickly into the phone. "Address?" She asked.

"Uh, Je ne pas sais," he quickly found an envelope and gave the address to her. "We will send the police. Try to keep them unconscious," she told him. "Merci," He told her.

He rubbed his arm, trying to hold back the pain.

Hamilton Mullette ~ Love Has It's Own Language [WATTY'S 2017]Where stories live. Discover now