Chapter 32: Alex Gets God

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"Eh, Class. Today your teacher is gone, so I will be subbing since you all scared away the subs..." The principal sat on the desk. "I wasn't left any work for you to do, so just stare at each other in silence while I apply makeup.." Principal King broke out his blush and mascara.

The class just stared at him in silence. Some of them were giggling. "This is normal," He whisper yelled and continued doing his makeup.

He then got a call his phone. "I have to go! Bye!" He sang and skipped out of the classroom. The class laughed. "Cette est drôle!" Marquis laughed. "This is amazing!" Hercules quickly followed up. The two fell on the floor laughing while Charles stood on his desk proudly. "Since we are left with no leader, I Charles Lee have elected myself-" Charles was then pushed off his desk by Thomas. "Poor Charles in denial. Everyone knows I would Make a good leader.."

James highfived him. "Wait, you don't even go to this class.." Hercules stated. "I have a lot of feelings, okay?" James looked sad. Thomas rubbed his back. "Is anybody going to check on Charles?" Eliza asked, confused. "Um, Well, I'm not.." Angelica put her legs up on the desk and crossed them.

"Guys, we have an hour without a teacher..." Hercules stood in front of the class. The class roared with excitement. George Washington came walking into the class, holding a book. He sat the book on the desk. "Isn't it sad when a teacher has a student watching over fellow students because they can't behave?" George asked, sitting down at the desk.

"Hey, George!" Charles waved, laying on the floor. George looked at Charles on the floor and just stared at him, awkwardly. "Well, okay.." That's all he could say.

"Um, life alert?" Charles spat out. George smiled and walked over to his boyfriend, helping him up. "Okay, Charles. Sit down, please.." George planted a kiss on his cheek and went back to the teacher's desk, sitting down.

"Between you and me, guys. Just have fun quietly. I'll be reading this book.." George whipped out a book and glued his eyes to it. The class whispered things to each other.

That's when George stopped reading. "How about we play a game?" He asked, smiling. A ton of things came out from the class. All of it different ways to say,"Yes."

"It's Friday soon, so not play a game?" George stood up and sat on the desk. "Charles, come up here please." He pointed to his boyfriend. Charles ran up confidently and sat on the desk too. "Homo!" A boy yelled. "It's nice knowing what you are," George muttered, putting his book away. Charles laughed.

"Okay, guys. Let's play some truth or dare. Remember that we're at school and the most dangerous thing you're doing is hugging.." George made it clear on the rules. The class cheered.

"Truth or dare!" Hercules said to Angelica. Angelica sighed,"Dare." His response was a laugh. "I dare you to open the door and shout something stupid.." Hercules laughed. Angelica rolled her eyes,"That ain't even that much, but okay." She got up and opened the door. "Something stupid!" Angelica shouted to the empty hall.

"Okay, Eliza. Truth or dare.." She said to her sister who looked very nervous. "Do you think you've met your soulmate yet?" Angelica got up in her face. Eliza felt a tear. That's when Angelica backed up. "Oh, my gosh! Eliza! I'm so sorry!" She panicked.

"I-I thought I met the one. I-I really did, but-" As Eliza said this, Angelica marched out of the room. George just watched them leave. "Well,okay. I am kind of concerned for someone's life, but I don't wanna get in their business.." Was all he answered to that.


"John, eat please!" Jane put a PBJ in front of him, on the table. "No, thank you,Ms.Jefferson.." Was his only response, pushing the plate back. "You should try it. You might like it!" She gave him a stubborn smile. He just kept his head down. She then took the plate and took a bite of it. "Well, more for me, I guess.." Jane walked into the living room. She then turned around,"John, if you need anything. I'm in here.."

Let's rewind a bit.

The way it seemed to John was this. Alex had been caught a few days before this, latching onto Eliza in a couple-y way. John had asked him what happened, and Alex claimed that Eliza was his new girlfriend. John froze completely.

"Hold up..What?" John felt the tears choke his breath. He remembered looking at Eliza's hurt expression for the long silence that filled the air. "I'm so glad you've found someone else who could make you happy, Alexander.." John didn't look him in the eyes, and walked away, nearly tripping.

How it actually happened was a bit different. Alex never wanted to be back with Eliza. He loved her, but he loved her as a sister. When Angelica left the classroom, she had had a talk with him about how if he didn't get back together with Eliza, she'd fight John. Alex couldn't let his boyfriend be hurt, so he hurt him. Great job, Alex.


Thomas came running through the door and sat by John. "Listen, I got you some candy at the dollar store.." He took out a chocolate bar in his backpack and handed it to John. John just sat it on the table, not even having a desire to eat.

  "John, you have to eat. I will get Hercules and Marquis over here to feed it to you in a baby spoon if you keep this up..It's Easter! Have some fun, hon.." Thomas just wanted to make John feel better. "Thank you. It's just that I don't know how to-I-I-I thought he was the one, okay? I had never met anybody like him..So beautiful, Kind, smart.. He's changed.." John had an idea spring upon him.

  Thomas was a little bit frightened by the face. John opened his box of love letters and crumpled them up. He then stomped on them. One by one, he ripped them. At the end, he just cried. Thomas gave him a hug and went into the living room with his mom. "It's Easter. You can forget Alex. He was a jerk, and I never liked him. You deserve a lot more than him.." Thomas turned around and said these words, but left right after.


"You did what?!" Hercules shouted at Alex, crossing his arms in frustration as Marquis stood next to him doing the same. Alex looked down at his feet.

"Vous-Sont bête!" Marquis slapped Alex in the face, tears streaming in his eyes. Marquis quickly cried in Hercules' shoulder as Hercules cried too.

"Alex, I'm not mad. Just disappointed," Hercules took his boyfriend's hand and walked off.

Alex sat against the wall, not crying. Just staring at his feet like everything was going to change. He then put his hands together and looked at them. "H-Hey, God. I know we aren't But, if you're out there. Hear me out please. I've done the worst on a day like Easter. I heard you're never m-mad or anything, and you're the only person I can talk to now."

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